Chapter 40

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Aika's POV

The basketball game is about to start. We are already here inside the gymnasium slash coliseum (according to Yura), waiting for the players to come out.

It was really a good idea for the basketball game to be held here. Many students from our campus and other schools will watch the match. And besides, we're located at the upper part of the building since the view here is very clear. It wasn't too close and it wasn't too far either.

I suddenly heard the crowd scream. I thought the game was about to start so I quickly diverted my gaze to the court. I smiled when the GazettE came out, wearing their jersey and waving at the audience at the sides of the court.

I was searching for their opponent but they haven't come out yet so I slumped back to my seat.

I saw the GazettE huddled up to plan their strategy. I sighed and ignored the scenery and stared at the ceiling. From my peripheral view, I saw Yura staring at me.

"Bored?" She asked.

"Yeah, I thought the game has started." I puffed my cheeks while Yura giggled.

"Hey, have you heard the opponents of the GazettE?" Megumi suddenly chimed in.



Yura and I both answered at the same time.

They both looked at each other and Yura was surprised in Aika's answer, "You seriously don't know anything about Alice Nine?"

I shook my head as a 'no' and Yura sighed. But before she could start explaining shits, I heard the crowd scream again but this time, it was louder than before.

All of us stood up from our seats and looked down at the court and I gasped.

"It's Alice Nine!" Some of the girls beside us squealed and screamed.

From afar, I could really tell that these guys are badass gangsters just like the GazettE. And as expected as well, these guys have some annoying fangirls.

"That's them," Yura sighed.

"Lame," Harumi mumbled and went back to her seat.

"Eh?" I raised an eyebrow at Harumi's statement.

"Nandemonai," Megumi sighed and crossed her arms.

"So, I guess I have to introduce them to you," Yura sighed, still looking at those gangsters.

"As you might already know, they're gangsters as well. And not just gangsters, they're known as the most delinquent gangsters of Baron University."

"Baron University,"

"Not only that. They're also a band." Harumi chimed in.

My eyes grew wide. Delinquent gangsters? Band? I seriously have a bad feeling about this.

"Oh yeah, I have to introduce the gang." Yura pointed out.

I leaned forward a bit to get a closer look on the members.

"The guy in front, his name is Kohara Kazumasa but he's known as Shou."

Let me describe this Shou. He's a blondie like Reita although his hair wasn't spiky. He has baggy eyes which made him look creepy. His eyebrows were thin and his lips were pouty as well but nowhere near Uruha's level. And I really have a bad feeling about this guy. He really looks delinquent, no doubt.

"The guy next to Shou is Ogata Hiroto,"

This Hiroto guy Yura was talking abou-

"Seriously, why are Ruki and Hiroto there? They're too short for the basketball game." Yura complained and facepalmed.

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