Chapter 48

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Aika's POV

Now playing: Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga...just kidding. But seriously, I am at the edge because Tora here is pointing the gun at my temple.

Normally, I would've kicked Tora already but I just found myself stuck in my position because this is unlike Yura's plan to kidnap me back then where Megumi threatened us with a toy gun. Plus the person is a guy. When it comes to brute strength, I'm no match to him.

His palm was still covering my mouth. I was unable to yell or speak. Plus, it felt like he was squishing my mouth. Darn this guy. What the hell does he want with me?

Uruha was still standing in front of us. He was a bit far since Tora distanced us away from him ever since he trapped me in this state. The brunette and the idiot are having a glaring contest right now. I really don't know if I should be involved in this or what.

"Let her go, Tora." Uruha growled. But the idiot just snorted. He didn't reply to his demand. The next thing he did sent shivers down my spine. He smelled my hair and licked my neck. What the fuck? Tora is a certified pervert!

"Let her go? Why would I let someone like her go? This girl bears such rare beauty." He threatened. His voice was filled with lust and passion. If Uruha has the capability to add the prefix in the word, then Tora is the opposite.

Something snapped inside me. I elbowed his stomach and kicked the gun away from his hands. It flew somewhere...I really don't know where since it was already night and the place is dark. And just as I was about to run towards Uruha, I felt Tora grabbed my wrists and pulled me to him. And the next thing I knew is that his lips was on mine.

My eyes grew wide. And again, I couldn't even move. I froze because I was too shocked. But I knew one thing for sure. The way he moves his lips, he wants me to respond back. But hell no. I don't love a person who only wants THAT.

"Amano Shinji!" Uruha yelled and ran towards us. He pulled me away from the enemy and punched him on his left cheek. I was glad when Uruha pulled me out. Tora's kiss was disgusting. You could really tell that it was full of lust.

Tora stumbled backwards and he cupped his left cheek. But before he could give the punch back to Uruha, I ran towards him, jumped up and kicked the right side of his face which made him fall on the ground.

I landed beside Uruha. He sighed, "Seriously Aika, I thought you don't know how to karate." Eh? Did I said that?

( A/N: Yes, you said that in Chapter 1. )

Oh yeah. I did.

"It's just a kick, Uruha." I said plainly but he didn't believe me. If I knew karate in the first place, then Reita couldn't have blocked my kick in the first chapter. Sheesh, this is just self defense, okay?

Okay, back to the current situation. Tora was still lying on the ground. He cupped his face and chucked, "Was that a kick? It didn't even tickled me." Really? Then why did I sent you lying on the ground? Why the hell are you rubbing your cheek if my kick didn't affect you? I know I'm no match to him when it comes to strength but at least I can still defend myself.

"Was that an insult?" Uruha growled. I know he was just being sweet but seriously, I am not even affected by that idiot's words. All he knows is to brag shit which really irritated me. In fact, my crush for him disappeared when I found his true nature. Oops, I am not betraying Uruha. I still haven't answered him so I am not his girlfriend...yet.

Tora stood up and wiped the blood in the corner of his mouth. Heh, so my kick didn't tickled him? Well, if he is not affected, then his skin is. This guy doesn't have a common sense now, does he?

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