Chapter 45

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Aika's POV

I was staring at the window sleepily. I wonder where Uruha is. I could clearly remember that we took a nap together but when I woke up, he was gone.

I heard the door clicked. I turned my swivel chair around and saw Megumi and Reita together. Then, the door that leads to the music room of the student council clicked as well. Then I saw Uruha came out with Aoi and Harumi.

Hmm, I wonder what happened to Yura and Ruki. And where the hell are they!?

"Aika-chan," Megumi called. I immediately stood up from my swivel chair and went towards Uruha. And as soon as I got by his side, he wrapped his arms around my shouder and pulled me close.

"We have some bad news," Reita stated. I wonder where Yura and Ruki are. I could really feel that this is a very important announcement.

"The fight is going to be one on one." He announced. Mami gasped and my eyes grew wide. Uruha gripped my shoulder tight and pulled me even closer to him.

"What the hell!?" Aoi exclaimed. Just after Aoi said that, Ruki and Yura came out of the music room. Yura was attached to Ruki...hmm. I smell something fishy.

"What's going on?" The male chibi asked.

THERE WAS A VERY FUCKING LONG SILENCE. You really couldn't define the expression of Aoi, Reita and include Uruha as well. Aoi was clenching his fist with too much force to the point that it was already trembling.

"Tell us the bad news already," Harumi exclaimed impatiently. I wonder how bad this news is. I'm, getting curious and at the same time, getting agitated. Megumi sighed and so does Reita but he had no second thoughts as he immediately discussed the 'bad' news he got.


Uruha's POV

Can somebody give me the permission to kill someone? I just couldn't believe what I just heard.

I looked at Aika who froze after the news. Her face was shocked. Her eyes lost its glow. She may be trembling but she never moved an inch after hearing the bad news. And guess what; he got the news from Saga...A MEMBER OF ALICE NINE.

"Ue-chan, are you sure we can trust that guy?" Yura growled as she stretches her fingers, ready to punch anything or anyone. I just hope I won't be included.

"Yes, I am one hundred percent sure." He answered without any second thoughts. The others are having doubts in trusting Saga except for Reita and Megumi. But before they could completely agree, I walked towards my best friend and grabbed his collar. I pulled his face closer to mine and glared at him on the eye.

"If I found I small trace that you're betraying us, I am going to break your skull, Akira."

I heard Aika and Megumi gasp and the others took some steps backward to distance themselves away from us. My best friend didn't show any signs that he was afraid but I can tell he was. Yet, he still accepted the penalty.

I released him from my grip and he panted heavily. Megumi ran beside him and rubbed his back to calm him down.

I still wasn't satisfied. I was filled with rage. Aika went beside me and held my arm. And there, I didn't realize I was clenching my fist too tight. It was so tight that I might break my veins or even bones. I gritted my teeth and hid my eyes with my bangs. I yanked Aika's grip and went to the music room to calm myself down.


Aika's POV

The tension here in the council room is too high. Reita and Megumi was too nervous about Uruha since he didn't believe them. Harumi was distressed. She was sitting on the couch, covering her face with her hands. Aoi was beside her, trying his best to comfort her. And Yura? She was filled with rage just like her brother and at the same time, terrified.

"I knew you should've talk things though!" She yelled but her voice cracked. Ruki did not say anything and he gave her an embrace instead.

"Are you really sure we can trust him? Maybe this is one of their plans to kidnap Aika!" Aoi questioned. His voice was shaking. It felt like we were in the midst of crisis.

Before Reita could give his reply, the door opened and it revealed Kai with a bright smile on his face. As soon as he saw our current situation and felt the heavy atmosphere, his expression changed.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, worried. He probably wouldn't know what happened since he is the vice president and he must take the responsibility whenever the president is absent.

I sighed, "Reita, please discuss the problem to Kai. I'll talk to Uruha to calm him down."

Before Reita could protest and Kai could question about it, I rapidly marched to the music room and entered it.

After I slammed the door close, I could hear someone drumming aggressively. I turned around and saw Uruha hitting the instrument. Gis drumming was in the beat but I could really feel the force.

This might be the first time I saw him play that instrument. I was partially happy and partially worried. I was happy because he can play the instrument I'm playing yet I was worried because he might destroy the crucial instrument because of his anger.

I sighed. It seems that he didn't notice me enter the room. So, I went towards his sets of guitars and took the blue guitar. I plugged the cord on the amplifier and tested some chords and the pedals. Once I am satisfied, I played a calming solo.

In case you didn't know, I first played the guitar before the drums. And it looks like the solo is working. He stopped hitting the drums violently. His attention was soon fully on mine. I closed my eyes and swayed slowly along with the guitar solo. And soon enough, I could feel the tall guy hugging me.

"Aika," He mumbled.

I turned off the guitar amplifier and remained silent. After a few seconds, he hugged me tighter and mumbled my name once again.


This time, I returned his embrace. But I made sure that his guitar won't be cracked as we hug even tighter.

Uruha gripped my jacket tight and pressed his head on my shoulder. He mumbled my name once more but this time, his voice was shaking.


I cupped his head and made him look at me. We pressed our foreheads together as I look at him in the eye. His eyes were now flooded with tears. I can feel him holding back but the sobs were threatening him. Before a tear could fall down, I kissed his left eye in order to kiss the tears away yet, I felt that a tear on his right eye crawled down.

I pulled back, took off the guitar and placed it back on the guitar stand. As soon as my attention was back to my guitarist, I brushed his bangs away and kissed his forehead.

His expression is telling me that he was too afraid to lose me.

And so I say, "I won't go anywhere."

He didn't say anything so I hugged him once again. This time, he really broke down. And I didn't hesitate to cry as well since we both know that we're too scared to lose each other.

I just couldn't imagine a new life without him.


MikUruha's Note:

So this is heartache~

I seriously don't know what's going on inside my head. My fingers just automatically typed this. XD

This is too short and corny. I apologize, please don't kill me. TTwTT

Here's Rina aka Aika playing the guitar :D

Vote and comment anyways.

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