Chapter 41

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Uruha's POV

After the last round of training, we huddled up again to recall the strategy. And I wouldn't be surprised if Alice Nine was our opponent. It was already the third time they challenged us. They sure are interesting bunch of jerks.

Aoi, Reita and I volunteered to be on the reserved team. It was actually part of our plan.

The game started and the three of us sat on the bench where the others and the coach were. The referee was holding the ball on his right hand. Ruki was on the right side of the referee, ready to steal the ball while on the left side was Tora, the bastard who hit Aika's face.

When the referee threw the ball upwards and whistled, Ruki jumped as high as he could and he managed to steal the ball away from Tora. His jumping skills never failed to amaze us so that's why he was recruited to play basketball. Then, he ran and dribbled the ball towards the opponent's ring but he was blocked by Nao. That bastard is also good at stealing the ball but we already prepared a backup.

Kai ran behind Ruki, approximately 5 feet away from him. I saw Ruki smirked at Nao and he bounced the ball as he spun around and passed the ball to Kai. Two players from the opponent's team quickly blocked Kai but it wasn't a problem. Kai effortlessly swift away from the opponents and bounced the ball for one last time and shoot it to the ring from the distance. We were lucky again because the ball passed through the ring.

Kai and Ruki gave each other a high-five. I knew this would be pretty easy.

But I just have a bad feeling about this game because judging the Alice Nine's looks; it doesn't seem to bother them at all.

(A/N: Sorry about the narrations, I really don't know anything about basketball. Wahaha :v)


It was already the middle of the third round. The opponent already made scores but we're still leading. We have 7 points away from Alice Nine.

Still, I have this unusual feeling. It bothers me a lot.

Then, a scene caught my attention.

Ruki was about to do the slam dunk when Shou jumped as well, in front of Ruki. He raised his right hand to reach the ball but instead of stealing the ball, his hand grabbed Ruki's arm and pushed him down, making Ruki release the ball and fall to the ground.


Kai's POV

This is my first time having a POV.

Konnichiwa minna-san! I'm Uke Yutaka, also known as Kai and I am the drummer and the leader of the GazettE.

Right now, we don't have time for introductions because my bandmate Ruki was pushed down to the ground by Shou. We were supposed to have that score when he suddenly appeared.

It was a foul of course. But I didn't care about it at first because I was worried more about Ruki. I ran towards him who was still lying on the ground, and so did my teammates.

"Ruki, daijoubu desu ka?" I asked, worried laced my voice.

"I think so," Ruki hissed and tried to stand up. But when he stepped his right foot, he fell on the ground again, hissing at the pain.

Our coach yelled for medic. When the doctors arrived, they immediately applied first aid to Ruki. I was about to relax when one of the doctors announced bad news to us, "His right foot was sprained."

I clenched my hands into fists. I was ready to punch Shou after what he had done to Ruki. And from my peripheral view, I saw Tora smirked.

I glared at him and muttered, "Kisama,"

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