Chapter 29

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Aika's POV

"Reita, I know this relationship is important to you but, I hope you can understand my side. I wanted to break up this MU relationship. Let's just be best friends...FUCK! This is not right!"

You guys thought I was telling this to Reita? Well, here's a bad news: I'm still practicing on how to break our MU relationship. I don't want to cause any more trouble.

"Aika, what are you doing?" I heard Uruha mumbled and yawned.

"Ah, did I wake you up?" I panicked.

He laughed, "No."

I smiled and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine now. And it's thanks to you."

I never smiled like this before. It's like a miracle. Uruha changed again. And I just noticed this, whenever I'm in trouble, whether acting or not, Uruha is the one who's always saving me. I really don't know why but I'm glad.

"Ne, Uruha," I called and he hummed as a response.


I knew that deep inside, he has a good side. I knew that he is a kind person. When I heard his painful past, that's where I realized that he was just trying to escape his anxiety. I kinda feel sorry for him on how his mother treats him. Mrs. Takashima was the only mother I knew that is capable of hurting her son. I just hope that he could move on from the past.

After a few seconds of silence while smiling to each other, the door opened and Scandal with rest of the GazettE came in. Perfect timing, I have to talk to Yura about Megumi's attitude.

"Onii-chan, are you okay?" Yura exclaimed.

"Yura, how many times do I have to confirm that I'm fine?" Uruha said jokingly.

"I was just worried about you." Yura pouted.

"Anyway, what is that bitch doing here?" Uruha groaned and glared at Megumi. The girl flinched and hung her head low after she received Uruha's message.


"Uh, Uruha let me talk to them first." I snapped and pushed the Scandal outside Uruha's room. I forgot to mention that we're here in the hospital.

"Let's talk at the rooftop." I murmured after I closed the door of Uruha's room. The girls immediately nodded and followed me.

~ At the hospital's rooftop ~

"Uh, Aika-"

"Yura, I don't want a huge argument so let's get straight to the point. I was really looking forward joining your band but I'm kinda pissed about Megumi's attitude. I was look-"

"Aika-chan, you misunderstood this."

"Misunderstood what?"

"You see, Megumi didn't plan to kidnap you."


Yura's PV

Shit. I knew planning to kidnap Aika was a bad idea. It created a huge misunderstanding between us and my brother. And the worst part is that Aika won't join us anymore. Fuck, why didn't I think of the consequences first before I launched the plan!?

So here I am at the rooftop of the hospital where my brother was confined. I was having a conversation with Aika who's irritated as fuck. The Scandal members were here as well. I was mentally trembling and I don't know how to start my confession.

Well, I already said that Megumi didn't plan the kidnapping shit and that surely made Aika confused. Now, I really don't know how to start. She will surely decline my invitation to her. We desperately need a drummer!

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