Chapter 10

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Uruha's POV

Bitch. Old hag.

I opened the door that leads to our music room. Another golden chandelier that was placed in the middle of the ceiling made the whole room brightly lit. I almost slipped on the shiny wooden floor. It was perfectly polished. Two L-shaped black couches were facing each other across the room. Each of them has a respective coffee tables and a velvet carpet. This was our meeting room.

On the other side was literally the music room. Kai's drumset were at the back, in front of a wall that was entirely covered in mirrors. Aoi's guitar (the black scale designed) was on the guitar stand in front of his overly huge guitar amp. Reita's bass was next. His amplifier was at the left side of his bass and the instrument was placed near Kai's drumset.

Lastly, my guitar Metamorphosis (the green one) was at the right side of my amplifier and it was placed near the wall that was painted in gold.

Our other instruments were at their respective guitar stands at the right side, leaning on the wall. The music room was always organized. I had to since Ruki would be really upset if he sees this room messy as sh...t.

The music room was also sound proof. No one except us can hear the music we were playing.

But today, I was not in the mood for practicing. I opened the door and entered the music room. My bandmates were kinda busy so they didn't noticed me enter. I slammed the door behind me which caused them to jump of their seats. They gave me strange looks but I ignored them and jumped on the couch. I buried my face on the pillow and sighed in annoyance.

"You seem to be in a bad mood, Uruha." Ruki announced.

"Did something happen?" Aoi questioned.

I remained silent. I feel tired. I just wanted to sleep this. My bullying was a success though that old bitch wanted me to apologize to that nerd. Like I would do that.

Just then, I heard a click sound. It was coming from the door knob. The sound of footsteps followed after the door opened and I heard a slam but it wasn't a loud one like I did earlier. Then I felt a part of the couch sunk so maybe someone sat down.

"You're mother was right. You should apologize."

"Yeah right. Like you're the one to talk, Reita." I mumbled through the pillow.

"What?" Reita exclaimed.

I lifted my head from the pillow and spoke, "Nothing. I said you're a nose less freak." then buried my head on the pillow again.


"Leave him alone, Akira." I heard Kai demanded.

Awkwardness wrapped the music room. But it wasn't long until Reita spoke, "You really should apologize, Kouyou. Apologize before your reputation was ruined."

I stood up and sat on the couch. I faced the blonde and protested.

"There's no way I'd apologize to that nerd. Besides, no one in the school except us knew that we plotted this plan."

He sighed, "Suit yourself then. I'm not forcing you if you don't want to. But karma is just around the corner."

I stood up and smirked, "Karma is not even true, dude." then I pat his shoulder and walked outside the room.

I head towards my room. As I enter my room, as usual, chandelier was hanging at the middle of the ceiling. But the ceiling of my room wasn't plain and simple. There were carved designs. There were four book shelves that were placed at the left and right corner of the room. It was full of complete series of fictional novels. The walls were painted in sky blue. There was a glass door at the right side that leads to my own balcony and it was covered in purple velvet curtain. Two air conditioners were placed above the two bookshelves that were close to the door. My bed was located in the middle but it was placed near the wall. White satin bedsheets covered the soft and comfortable matress. Two white pillows were placed at the top of the bed seperately. Those pillows were really thick and huge so there's no need to put them together. And of course, a thick white blanket was below the pillows and it almost covered the white satin bedsheets. My bed was perfect for three people but I prefer to use it alone because I don't sleep in one position.

A huge closet was placed on the left side of the bed. There was also a lamp close to my bed at the right side. My computer was next to the lamp. And my study table was placed on the left side, next to my bed.

I walked towards my bed and jumped on top of it, not caring about removing my shoes. I really wanted to sleep this. But my conscience won't let me. Stupid old woman. If she didn't mentioned the word apologize, it wouldn't bother me this much. I would be at the music room, practicing our new composed songs.

I messed my hair and rolled on the bed. I was now facing the ceiling. I couldn't decide. What should I do? Should I apologize? Of course my pride won't let me. And my conscience was already scolding me, telling me that I should apologize to Aika before it's too late.

But why? I haven't done anything to her. I haven't done anything wrong. So why should I say sorry to her?

I almost took 1 hour to decide about this issue. I finally decided that I shouldn't apologize. Seriously, why would I? It was her fault anyway for falling for my trap. She was easily deceived and it's her problem, not mine.

My decision is final. I don't care what that old hag or Reita says. I won't apologize. Never.



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And what do you think about this chapter? Please, I really need your vote and comments.

Well, Uruha's eating his pride. Let's see what will happen in the next chapter. :D

Stay tuned~!

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