Chapter 17

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Aika's POV

Hooh. Okay. Just relax and breathe.

After I inhaled and exhaled, I started to aim at the door bell. My hands were shivering. And as soon as my index finger was approximately 1 centimeter away from the doorbell, my hand pulled away.

Don't be so fucking nervous, Aika!

I took a deep breath once again and aimed at the doorbell. I could almost press it when I was interrupted by someone, opening the front door.

"Ay kabayong baklang sumasayaw!" I flinched and jumped. But I instantly calmed down when it was just Reita.

(A/N: Trans: Gay horse dancing XD)

His face was almost covered in bandages. His right hand was in a cast while his other hand was covered in bandages.

He looked horrible. He doesn't deserve this. After what he have done to Uruha, he really doesn't deserve this. Reita is a kind person and he shouldn't have received this in return.

"What are you doing?" Reita snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I, uh...uh--"

"Don't tell me you don't have the guts to press the doorbell?" He cut me off and gave me a mischievous smirk.

"I-It's n-not like th-that!"

(A/N: *Baka! XD)

He chuckled and messed my hair with his left hand. "C'mon, let's get inside."

He opened the door wide enough for me to enter. I shyly went inside because I've never been to a mansion this big before.

When I entered his house, my jaw dropped. It wasn't only huge on the outside, it was also huge on the inside.

Half-top of the walls were painted in white while the half-bottom were painted in golden brown. The ceiling was also painted in white, making the whole room bright. A chandelier with dangling stuff was placed in the middle of the room and small light bulbs were placed at the four corners, in their respective carved holes.

On my left side, there was a gigantic vase with pink and red poinsettia that were surrounded with leaves on top. At the corner near the vase, there was a divider with pictures of Reita's family.

The photo in the middle caught my attention. There were five little boys in the middle of the photo. I couldn't tell who they were so I took the picture frame and took a good look at the picture.

"That's us." Reita spoke beside me.

"the GazettE?" I questioned and he immediately nodded. So they were friends since they were kids.

Reita suddenly chuckled beside me. "I'll introduce to you the child version of us. On the left side is Aoi. I was next to him--"

"Really? You look so cute! And you're not wearing a noseband." I cut him off and squealed after I saw his childhood picture.

He chuckled and continued, "Ruki's the one at the middle--"

"Really? He really is small and so cute!" I cut him off again.

"That's why we call him "chibi." Now, will you please let me continue?"

I giggled and gave him a peace sign, "Teehee. Sorry."

He smiled and pat my head as he continued, "Next to the chibi is Kai and at the right side is Uruha."

I looked closer at Uruha when he was a child. He was smiling. A real smile, telling that he's happy. I never saw him smile since I entered Canthory Academy. And he really looks innocent.

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