Chapter 3

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Uruha's POV

I was awoken by some commotion inside the student council room. I couldn't even move because of this stupid sleep paralysis. I knew taking a nap at this hour is a bad idea. I hate having sleep paralysis.

"What the hell are you doing here? Don't you know that the second floor is for Student Council Members only?!" Was that Reita's voice? Crap. Stupid sleep paralysis. I can't even move an inch!

"Uruha get over here!" Was that Aoi? Yeah right, like I can move freely in this state.

"C'mon, Uruha. Get your ass over here!" All right, all right. Sheesh.

I tried to open my eyes but it feels like it was glued shut. I tried to move a finger but it won't work as well. I couldn't even mumble. Oh this is great. This is a serious situation. Believe me, once you've experienced this sleep paralysis, you'll promise to yourself that you won't take a nap in the morning or in the afternoon.

"Why isn't he moving?!" Oh shut up, Aoi! I'm trying!

"I think I know the reason why." I'm glad we have Kai because if we don't I'm in serious danger now. He's actually the leader of our group. He knows how to be responsible and most of all, he knows what to do to in our current situation.

"Uruha? Uruha?" What the heck are you doing Kai? Hurry and wake me up or else, I'm done for!

"I knew it." He sighed and grabbed my arms. Then he shook it...exaggeratedly. And he's grabbing my hand too tight.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm awake!" I growled as soon as I opened my eyes and took my arms off Kai's. "Dude that hurt!"

"At least you're awake now." Kai replied in his emotionless tone.

"Good thing you knew about sleep paralysis." I stated and sighed.

"Well, I already experienced that before and I don't want that to happen again. Wait, why are we talking about me? You should really be thankful that I woke you up or else, if I don't know any of that sleep paralysis, you're probably dead by now."

"Hey, that's too much. I know sleep paralysis is deadly but I can still shake myself awake right?"

"Yeah but it's not that easy. C'mon, I need you to stop Reita from fighting the nerd."

The nerd? You mean Aika, the girl we met earlier? What the heck is she doing here? Did she actually read my note I gave her? I placed it on the pillow so she won't notice. Ugh, what the heck is wrong with me? Why did I even write that note to her in the first place?

"That is certainly unusual of you, Kai. I mean you never asked me that favor before."

"I'm not in the mood for bullying that nerd and I am very busy."

I followed Kai to the entrance of the student council room. He stood next to Aoi and as I took a glimpse of what was happening, my eyes grew wide. Reita was twisting Aika's arm.

"Let me go you nose-less blonde!" She screamed and flinched at the pain.

"I won't let you go that easily. You set foot on the second floor without the permission of any student council members." He screeched and twisted her arm harder. She screamed and yelped at the pain.

Since I am still pretending to be nice to her, I might as well resume my acting. I was about to run and save Aika from Reita when she glared at the blonde and used her left arm to grab the noseband. She pulled it hard, making Reita release her from his grip. He immediately covered his nose so no one could see it.

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