Chapter 33

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Aika's POV



“Ay bakla ka.” Startled, I suddenly flinched, making me wide awake. Was that Uruha’s voice who greeted me good morning?

(A/N: TRANS: You’re gay. XD)

I looked at my right side and saw the brunette, reading a book. He was using his right hand as a pillow. I almost fell down from the bed. What is he doing here? Why is he in my roo—wait. Am I in my room or what?

“Why did you suddenly turned into stone?”

“What are you doing in my room!?”

“Your room?” Uruha said with a little hint of sarcasm. Come to think of it, my bed is small. It only fits one person. How come we’re both on the same bed?

Then I suddenly realized that I visited him yesterday. He was telling me about his past and then we cried on each other’s shoulders then we calmed each other down until we…


Great. I visited him because I wanted to finish the programs and events but we ended up telling his past and having a dramatic day. Whenever I remember on how Uruha narrates his past, guilt stabs me.

Wait. If we slept together in the same room…WAAAAAAAAH!!!

I quickly looked at my body which is covered in his blanket. I quickly sighed in relief because I’m still wearing my clothes and looked at Uruha who was still reading his fictional book. Strange.

“If you’re thinking that I did something to you, you’re absolutely wrong. I fell in love with you but I’m not a desperate guy.” He said monotonously, still focused on the book.

“Wh-who said that you did something t-to me!? I-I don’t think that w-way, i-idiot!” Am I becoming a tsundere or what? Why the heck am I stammering especially in front of a guy who’s in love with me?

He suddenly closed the book using his left hand and placed it at the table beside him. Then he leaned his face closer to mine while I leaned my head on the opposite way.

“Really now? Then tell me, why are you stammering and why is your face so red?” He had this mischievous smirk which made me irritate. Then I touched my face and it is seriously hot. Am I blushing?

He leaned closer and closer while I kept avoiding him. He’s going to do it again and I seriously don’t wanna melt when I felt his lips on mine. Right now, his face is getting closer and I am fucking cornered. He is still leaning closer while I have no choice but to close my eyes and panic mentally. After a few seconds, I still didn’t feel his lips. I slowly opened my eyes and…HE WAS GONE?

I snapped myself out of my thoughts and I saw Uruha looking through his Ipad. Then I sighed in relief again. What the heck is wrong with this guy? He is seriously giving me a heart attack.

I crawled back to the center of the bed and stared at him. Then he smiled and looked at me. “You’re cute.”

I felt my cheeks getting hot as I continued staring at him. Then my heart suddenly started pounding too fast. What the heck is wrong with me? Why am I going crazy whenever I’m hanging around with him? I never felt like this before especially when I was still in an MU relationship with Reita.


My cheeks heated up even more. My heart wanted to bounce out of my chest. My mind is going crazy. I really don’t know what I’m supposed to do since I’m getting embarrassed in front of Uruha.

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