Chapter 24

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Uruha's POV

Well, what the fuck.

"Did I hear that right?" Kai asked, obviously confused.

I stretched and yawned. "I thought we were supposed to talk alone."

Kai scratched his head and fiddled with his fingers. I could see obviously, it was his plan.

"Ruki was the one who-" He spoke but was immediately cut off when he was smacked by the chibi.

"Dork! You just brought me into this." Ruki exclaimed and smacked Kai once again.

"Itte! You don't have to hit me two times!" The brunette growled.

Oh fuck. Here we go again.

I yawned once again and pretended to sleep on the couch to ignore their stupid quarrelling. I'm starting to get annoyed but since I'm getting sleepy, I could easily control my temper.

"I knew this was a bad idea." I heard Reita mumbled through the noise.

I quickly opened my eyes and sat up. Then I glared at the noseband blonde bassist. "This was your idea in the first place!" I hissed.

He remained silent and I was about to punch him when all of us heard a familiar voice.


Before I had a chance to stand up, the door suddenly slammed open and a huge smoke of dust came in. I was just kidding. This is not an action story or fantasy. This is a shounen story.

(A/N: Please don't mind my husba-I mean Uruha. This is not shounen. This is HAREM! >:D)

So yeah, the door was slammed open and we saw Aika, panting. Reita immediately ran towards her and hugged...her.

"Aika, what're you doing? You're not supposed to run like that yet." He exclaimed but it didn't sound like a scold. It's more of a worry.

"But...but..." Aika wasn't able to finish her sentence when she suddenly fell down but luckily, Reita caught her.

"See, I told you not to run. And I told you to call me when there's a problem." He added and slowly let Aika sat on a chair.

"Demo, Reita-kun, I called you but you didn't answer my call. I thought you guys were busy so I went to the gym to see if you really were. But when I arrived, you weren't there. So I quickly went here and I saw you guys were having a meeting," She replied but it was too fast that she wasn't even catching her breath but she finally stopped when she cannot breathe properly anymore. But we heard what she said clearly even if it was too fast.

"Kai, get a glass of water." Reita demanded and Kai nodded and left to get her a glass of water.

"Aika, slow down. Take a deep breath and exhale." Reita cooed as Aika followed his instructions without hesitation. Akira kissed her forehead to help her calm. When the time she finally calmed down, the blonde asked her, "Aika, tell me what happened next, SLOWLY." He demanded, emphasizing the last word.

Aika nodded and continued, "Then Uruha's phone rang. Uruha, gomenasai, I answered the call."

Well, that simply caught my attention and I needed to know who it was. If was my mother again, then I am completely fucked up.

"Who was it?" I questioned. My patience was reaching its limit and I am seriously agitating.

"A girl named Takashima Yura," Before Aika could finish her sentence; I went to my desk and smacked my head on the table. My band members have the same reaction as well since Yura called.

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