Chapter 18

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Uruha's POV

"What the heck is this Kouyou!?"

I didn't answer.

"I said, what the heck is this!?"

I remained silent while mom was scolding me. She just went to New York three days ago. When she received the news, she immediately flew back to Japan just to scold me.

I never knew issues and news could spread this fast. It's all over Japan. Or maybe it's all over the world.

"This is the reason why you should apologize to her, Kouyou! This is what YOU deserve for being such an arrogant! The name Takashima doesn't! Only YOU!"

Mom kept on scolding me. I didn't want to listen to her sermons but I have no choice.

I have wanted to escape this one hell of a life. I've been trapped in this darkness for fourteen years. I wanted to be free. That's the only thing I wanted.

"I'm sorry mom," I muttered. I don't even know if I should call her mom or not. She never treated me as her son anymore after that incident happened.

"So, you are going to apologize when it is already too late!? Shame on you Kouyou! SHAME ON YOU!!!"

I've had enough of this life. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry but my voice and feelings are just stuck inside my pitiful existence. All I wanted was to be free and to be loved.

"You ruined the Takashima! You ruined our reputation! You ruined my life!!!" Mom threw the newspaper at me and she started to pull my hair and slap my face one after another. I'm already used to this even if I shouldn't. I wanted to go away from this mansion but I just couldn't because I have nowhere else to go. My friends didn't even accept me. Sigh.

When mom was finished hurting me, she fixed herself and called her butler to fly her back to New York. When she was out of the room, I draw my knees to my chest and buried my face on them.

I wanted a normal life.

= End of Flashback =


Aika's POV

~ At the cafeteria ~

"That nerd is so lucky!"

"Yeah. She's having a lunch with the GazettE."

I sighed deeply and facepalmed. I'm having lunch with these guys for three days already.

"These girls are so annoying." Ruki sighed and relaxed his back on the chair.

"What do you expect from these fangirls anyway?" Kai sighed and ate his rice.

I sighed deeply and continued to eat my lunch. Reita was here beside me, eating silently as well. He sure looks like he doesn't have a problem with anything except for Uruha. If you know what I mean.

"Guys, it's been three days. Have you noticed that Uruha's not attending school anymore?" Aoi questioned while his mouth was full.

"Yeah, noticed that as well." Ruki replied while chewing his viand.

Reita and I looked at each other then went back eating our lunch. The three men looked at us with curiosity and we did our best to ignore it.

"I smell something fishy." I looked at Ruki from my peripheral view and saw him raised an eyebrow.

"What's going on, Aika and Reita?" Kai questioned but we didn't answer. Aoi sighed and asked a question that caught us off guard.

"Do you guys have something to do with Uruha's absence?"

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