Chapter 25

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Yura's POV

Finally, I'm back, Japan! Oh I miss my country so much. It is nice to be back, home.

Konnichiwa minna-san~! My name is Takashima Yura. Yes, you read that right. My last name is Takashima because I am the daughter of Kouyou, also known as Uruha and Mikuru-

(A/N: Hey! Don't bring me into this!)

But you said you're the wife of Uruha.

(A/N: Urusai, Yura. I'm the author and I am not supposed to be involved in this story.)

Hai, hai.

Sorry about that. It was just the author. Well, we're very good friends and I just decided that I wanted to make fun of her in this chapter. Anywhore, I'm not really the daughter of Uruha. I am his imouto, in English, younger sister.

Well, since I'm home, why don't I go shopping? But that was just a joke since I am so tired from our tour in New York. Yes, I just came back from our tour. Why did I used the word our? Because I'm from a very famous band called Scandal. And guess what, we still don't have a drummer yet. I feel so sorry for my band. We keep on renting drummers and introduce them as guests but well, that's life. Just bear with it.

After I threw my luggage and stuff at home, I decided to go to school with my bandmates, Harumi and Megumi. Oh yeah, since I already mentioned that I'm from a very famous band, I'll tell you what me and my bandmates' positions are. I'm the vocalist and the rhythm guitarist. Harumi plays lead and Megumi plays the bass.

Geehee. Time to annoy my onii-chan's crap out.

(A/N: This is what Yura looks like - >:D)

So, as usual, onii-chan's limousine approached us. I started to walk down the stairs of the balcony and as soon as I was about to reach the door of the limousine, our butler hurriedly came out and opened it for us. "I'm very sorry for my delay mistress."

I just smiled at his attitude. He's so kind, unlike my dimwitted mother. "No need to apologize and please, you don't have to open the door for us. I can do it by myself."

"But mistress-"

"It's okay. Mom's not here so you can take a break. Just do this when my mother's around." I assured the butler and smiled. He smiled back and bowed down. "Arigatou, ojou-sama,"

We went inside the limousine and watched the butler head inside our house to take a break. I smiled at the guy who works hard for his family. I just wish my mom was like that. But nah, it will never happen.

"You're so kind, Yura." Harumi spoke beside me. I didn't even notice that the engine of this vehicle started already.

"I really feel sorry for the poor guy. He's doing his job properly and yet, when my mom is around..." I couldn't continue what I'm going to say because I couldn't even imagine what mom will do to him even if he is working very hard just to keep his family alive.

"You know what, Yura, you're just like your brother. You're kind and strong. Not just physically but emotionally." Megumi stated which made me smile.

Oh yeah, I forgot about my brother. I heard that mom came back here since Uruha had some issues during his senior year at our school. And I really don't want to know what happened. Onii-chan has been bearing this pain for fourteen years already. He might be a tough guy on the outside but believe me; he's totally breaking on the inside.

The reason why I decided to go to school is not really to annoy his crap out. I will annoy him to cheer him up because he's been facing a lot of problems whenever I'm on a tour or when I'm not around. And I really feel sorry for my brother because of the way mom treats him. She still blames him for our father's death. It was really just an accident and no one would want that to happen.

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