Chapter 32

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Uruha's POV


Another friggin’ boring day.Gaaah.

I don’t know what’s happening to me but seriously, why did I kiss Aika? I know I love her but…gaaah. Help me. She will hate me again and I’m sure of that. Why am I such a hopeless romantic?

Optimist side: There’s still 50% that she likes you. She even responded in your kiss.

Pessimist side: You must think about the consequences first! What if she will hate you again!?

“GAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” I yelled. What the hell is wrong with me? Good thing I’m home alone. If not, they would surely panic and will ask if something’s wrong.

After a few minutes of having a staring contest with the ceiling, I heard the doorbell rang. I stood up and looked at the window. Perfect timing, I’m damn bored waiting for her.

I ran outside my room and downstairs. Then I went outside to open her up.

“Aika, finally.” I panted.

She raised her eyebrow. “Let me guess, from the way you speak, you must be bored. Were you?”

“Yes, I was.”

She sighed and went inside. I closed the gate and followed her.

Do you guys know why Aika visited me today? It’s because she loves me. Just kidding, I’m a hopeless romantic, remember? She just visited me because we still need to re-organize the programs and events for the upcoming sports festival.

“Where are your maids and butlers? This house seems so quiet when they’re not around.” She suddenly asked.

“I told them that it’s their day off.” I answered.

“What about Yura?”

“Shopping with her bandmates.”

She fell silent for a few seconds and looked at me. She looks bothered. I wonder if something’s wrong with my face or she’s just afraid to ask something.

“What…what about your mom and dad?”

I didn’t spoke after she asked that question. Then I remembered how my mom treats me after my father’s death. I don’t want to talk about it.

“Uh, do you want juice or something?” I stammered, trying to get off with the topic.

“Answer me first, Uruha.”

I really don’t want to talk about it. I want to drop the topic but I guess I have no choice but to tell her.

I sat down beside her and faced the ceiling. “Mom is in New York and dad…” I couldn’t finish it. All I want is to drop off this topic.

I was surprised when Aika held my hand. I looked at her and she said, “Don’t worry. I’m here.”

I sighed and interlocked my fingers with hers. Then I squeezed her hand tight, but not strong enough to hurt her. Then, I finally spoke, “He’s dead.”

“Tell me what happened.”

I let go of her hand and stood up. “Aika, I-I know that you wanted to know wh-what happened but, I-I just want to drop the topic.” What the hell, I stammered again.

“Kouyou,” I stopped and looked at her. It’s been a while since she called me by my real name.

“Kouyou, I’m here. I’m your friend. I know these are family issues but as I friend, I want you to share this burden so that we can help each other in moving on.”

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