Chapter 7

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Aika's POV

~ One month later ~

"Mom, you really don't have to come."

"And why not? He was the one who humiliated you in front of the campus and ruined your reputation! And he calls himself the son of Takashima, the owner of Canthory Academy? That's very ironic my dear."

Actually, mom was right. And Reita was right as well. He was just pretending to be kind towards me. It was all an act. Why did I even trust him and at the same time, why was Reita being concerned? Why did he told me that Uruha was just acting? Isn't supposed to be a secret from me?

I sighed as I walked inside the campus. It was just like the first day of school. Except that all of the students' eyes were focused on my image. I ignored them and went to my class. I still felt their stares. It never left me. It was bothering me a lot but I did my best to ignore it.

As soon as I sat on my seat, a girl stood up and screamed, "Kyaaa! the GazettE is here!"

Then all of a sudden, all the girls ran out of the room. I sighed deeply.

This is like the first day of school. I thought.

I felt a nudge on my side. I turned around and saw a girl with wavy brunette hair and was looking at me with concern. I just stared at her because I didn't even know her. I never had friends in this school. All of them were part of bullying me.

"It's time to face him." She stated. I looked at my desk, unsure of my decision. Should I face him? Should I do the same thing I did to him after the humiliation?

I was in the middle of my thoughts when a girl ran back to the room. She slid the door open and called me. She brought me back to reality and I looked at her, confused.

"Okazaki-san, Uruha wanted to see you." She panted. 

I hesitantly stood up and walked outside the room. I ran downstairs and went to the front lobby and as I expected, all of the students gathered around them. The noise subsided when they saw me. I panted and tried to ignore their stares. 

I started to walk towards the GazettE. Uruha was at the middle and his left eye was covered by his bangs.

"There's your request, Uruha." Reita stated in his emotionless tone. Uruha quickly ran towards me and grabbed my hand.

Then he screamed, "Do not interrupt us! Reita, Kai, Ruki and Aoi, I leave these girls to you." Then he dragged me upstairs.

But before we reached the student council room, their complains echoed.

"O-OI! THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Reita screamed.

Ruki sighed, "Here we go again."

"Let the handsome guy handle this." Aoi chuckled.

"I'm going to the library." Kai emotionlessly stated.

Then, the girls started swarming around them. Reita was trying to escape the crowd. Ruki was getting annoyed. Aoi was entertaining usual while Kai effortlessly escaped the stampede.

And that was the last image I saw before I got into the student council room.

~ At the student council room ~

Uruha and I were panting. We both ran upstairs in order to escape the girls. Some actually chased us while we were on our way to the council room so we had to run as fast as we could. I was so glad that we were able to escape them.

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