Chapter 14

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Reita's POV

~ At the infirmary ~



"I-Itte!!! Slow down, will you!?"

"I said I'm sorry."

"Itte! Itte! ITTE!!!"

(A/N: What's going on? O.o)

Twenty minutes earlier...

Aika and I went to the infirmary after we were rescued. The nurse wasn't around when we entered the room. Her things weren't at her office as well. It was empty.

Kouyou fired her, didn't he?

Aika pushed me down to the infirmary bed. Then she sat beside me.

(A/N: What the heck are they doing? O.O)

"My body hurts," I mumbled as I covered my eyes with my arm.

I felt Aika leaned closer. I feel the warm breath she releases. It makes me feel so relaxed.

(A/N: WTF is going on!? O_____O)

"Why don't you let me do it?" She asked in a soft voice.

I removed my arm that was covering my eyes and looked at her. She wasn't nervous around me anymore. It somehow made me feel better.

She was close. We've never been this close before. I grabbed her shoulders and locked my eyes to her chesnut brown ones. "Do it."

(A/N: I think this is a rated R scene. Kids from 13 years old and below, please skip this scene. O.O)

"Are you sure that this is okay?" She asked, worried.

"Don't worry it's fine." I assured her.

She took a deep breath and exhaled. "All right. Let's begin."


"Aika, it hurts!!!"

"I'm really sorry. I'll do my best to be gentle."

"A-Ouch!!! It hurts! You said you were good at it!"

"I never said that! I said that it's my first time and I'm not good at it"

"Ouch! Ouch Ouch!!! That's enough!!!"

Aika sighed, " I told you that I'm not good at it. You should've asked that president to massage your back and arms."

(A/N: Dear readers, this is what you called bed scene misunderstanding. XD)

I lied down at my back and looked at Aika. Then I grabbed her hand, "Aika, I only said it hurts. I never said that you're not good at it. But please do not dislocate my arm from my shoulder."

She sighed again and stretched her fingers. Then she went back to her position. "All right. I'll be gentle this time."

I sat up and lied down at my stomach and buried my head on the pillow. But I quickly turned my head to the side because the pillow stinks.

Aika grabbed my hand and pulled it backwards. Then she started massaging it again.

"Ahh sh...t. It feels good." I moaned.

"Stop moaning." Aika demanded, disgusted.

"You're the only one who's thinking stuff like that." I moaned again after she hit the spot.

"H-Hurusai!" I could imagine her blushing. I laughed softly and closed my eyes. I feel so relaxed.

"Uruha's right. You do have a tsundere attitude."

She stopped massaging my back and remained silent. For a while, I was confused and getting uneasy because of the awkward silence. But then, a thought struck me.

"Aika?" I called her, finally breaking the silence.

She still didn't respond. Sh...t.

"I'm sorry, Aika."

"H-Huh? What? What for?" Aika suddenly spoke. She sounded like she was snapped from her thoughts. I instantly felt relieved. I thought she was offended after I said Uruha's name.

"Sorry. I was just sleepy. I stayed up all night just to write that article." She added and yawned.

The word article snapped me out of my thoughts. That was the reason why I was looking for her. That was the reason why I came to her. I really wanted to ask why she wrote that article. It's not for Uruha's sake. I wanted to ask about her determination because she was really determined to spread that article. And no one really have the guts to go against the heir of the Takashima clan except her.

Before I asked her about it, she spoke, "Oh crap." then covered her mouth.

"What?" I chuckled and grinned.

"F-Forget what I said." She stammered. She was about to go away but I quickly grabbed her wrist.

"Reita!" She yelped.

"Sorry." I replied and loosened my grip but I was still holding her wrist.

"I just wanted to make this crystal clear. Were you the one who wrote that article?" I asked her seriously.

She was hesitant at first but she nodded her head.

I was about to release her from my grip but this time, she was the one who grabbed my wrist and clenched it tight. I could really feel her shivering.

"I'm sorry." She spoke in her shaky voice. I could tell that she was in the verge of tears. A sob almost escaped her mouth. But before she started crying, I sat up and grabbed her shoulders, making her gaze locked into my eyes. Her eyes was telling me that I shouldn't tell Uruha about this. Well, I won't even do it in the first place. The reason why I asked her about the article is to help her spread the heir of the Takashima clan's attitude.

"Aika, trust me. I won't tell him about this,"

Her eyes glimmered after hearing those words. I bet she will be overjoyed when I add these words.

"I'm going to help you in spreading this article."


A/N: Cwiffhanger~! XD

Thanks for an almost thousand reads. Thanks for voting ang commenting as well. (*^▽^*)

Anywhore, what do you think will happen next? (☆▽☆)

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~MikUruha (♥ŐωŐ♥)

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