Chapter 22

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MikUruha's Note:

In this chapter, Aoi and I are going to be in Hayate No Gotoku mode. Meaning, the character can speak to the author slash narrator. XD

Anywhore, enjoy~ (ÖwÖ)


Aoi's POV

Hello ladies! How are you today? Me? I'm fine now especially that I got to see each beautiful faces of yours.

(A/N: Slut. -_-)

Anyway, this is not how I suppose to greet the girls. Sorry for my rudeness ladies but I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Shiroyama Yuu, also known as Aoi. I am twenty years old. I may be the eldest member of the GazettE but I'm single and ready to mingle.

(A/N: Slut. -_-)

I'm from class 3-C. Yes, the only one in class 3-C. Aika and the others are in class 3-A which means, they are the geniuses in the Junior year while I have only average intelligence.

(A/N: Peace~! ^^''V)

Anyway, I am so glad to have a point of view or POV in this story. I already lost my hope of having one since this story has a lot of chapters already and the most POVs used in the previous chapters are Aika, Uruha and Reita's.

(A/N: Drama much? -_-)

Well anyways, I’m really glad to have the honor of having my first POV in this story. It is my honor to narrate what is on my mind. And it is always YOU.

(A/N: Seriously, playboy and slut Shiroyama Yuu? -_-)

Who the fuck is that!?

(A/N: Potty mouth you got there. -_-)

Yeah? So? You’re not my mother to scold me that. And who the fuck are you!?

(A/N: The shitty author of this story. -_-)

Author? Since when did this story have an author?!

(A/N: Since the day before I gave you a POV. -_-)

Oh really? I thought that we, THE CHARACTERS, are the authors of this story.

(A/N: Well, if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have a POV now.)

Yeah right.

(A/N: You seem to be disappointed, Mr. Shiroyama.)

Oh yes I am. You ruined our date.

(A/N: Oh. So you want me to go away?)

Yes! Now get the fuck outta here!

(A/N: Then, how about a deal?)

WHAT!? You’re still here!? And what deal is that!?

(A/N: If you shoo me away, you’ll lose your POV. If you let me stay, the whole chapter is yours.)

Just go away. I don’t care about my POV—wait, what!?

(A/N: “Just go away. I don’t care about my POV.” Well then, I’ll change i—)

Wait a minute!

(A/N: What? I was about to change the POV.)

Don’t change it. You’ll stay and I’ll have my POV, okay?

(A/N: Hmmm…)

Come on! Hurry! The girls are getting crossed!

(A/N: So impatient. -_- I’ll change the POV then. -_-)

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