Chapter 19

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Uruha's POV

I woke up from my worst nightmare. I dreamed about it again. I dreamed about his death again.

I was so scared back then. I didn't know what to do. And after that incident happened, mom changed.

She wasn't a loving mother once I had in the past. She changed a lot. Mom never cared about me anymore. She only cared about the business that he left.

I shook the thought off and went to the bathroom  After I stripped my pajamas off, I let the warm water flow over me. I tried to relax my mind but I just couldn't now that her article was a worldwide gossip. Mom was right. I stained the name Takashima. I ruined our reputation and it is unforgivable. And I had no choice but to live with it.

After I was done with my warm shower, I wore my school uniform of the Canthory Academy. Since it was already autumn, my jacket was black. In our school, we have color codings every season. For spring and summer, the school jacket's color is either white or red while for autumn and winter, the boys will wear black while the girls are in their white uniform. Even the skirt. It was mom's idea and I had to get along with it.

I looked at my reflection and fixed my image to look presentable. I lastly fixed my necktie and went outside my room.

I walked downstairs only to be approached by one of our chambermaids here. "Master, your breakfast is ready."

I wanted to eat but I have no time. I was in a hurry. "No thanks. You guys must be hungry. Help yourselves by eating my breakfast. I can eat outside and it's fine."

The chambermaid's eyes glimmered but it quickly disappeared. "What about Mistress? She will definitely scold us."

I smiled and pat her shoulder, "Now don't you worry about my mom. What's important is that you are not starving to death."

I saw her smile a little bit, "Thank you master."

I simply nodded. "I'll be going then."

I went out of my house and waited for my limousine to arrive. But instead of limousine, my band members approached me.

By the way, my black eye faded and it's back to normal.

I saw all of them wearing their smiles. Must be happy to see me. I smiled back but that curve quickly disappeared when I saw Aika with them.

I couldn't think straight. Why was she here? Why was she hanging out with the band? And she even had the guts to show up in my own house after humiliating me all over Japan!?

She was about to walk beside Reita when she saw me glaring at her. She was wearing the shocked facial expression. And I noticed that she was staring at my eyes and she was reading me.

Then she was interrupted when Reita wrapped his arm around her. What is the meaning of this? Since when did they started dating!?

"Hey Takashima Kouyou~! How's our buddy?" Ruki greeted and moved his hand to give me a high five but I didn't respond. I kept on staring at Reita and Aika who were having a good time in front of my residence!

Ruki, Kai and Aoi looked at the direction where I was glaring at. Then they saw what I saw as well. And by the looks of it, the three men seemed happy about them while this is still a big surprise for me.

"MU." Ruki muttered.

I looked at him, obviously curious. What does MU mean? Miss Universe? Mr. Undercover? My Underwear?

(A/N: Lmao! XD)

"MisUnderstanding." Kai added. Then Aoi smacked Kai. "Baka! It's Mutual Understanding!"

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