Chapter 38

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Author's POV

Aika accepted the challenge and sat back down in front of her drumset. She hit the cymbals thrice as the guitars roared. Then Harumi’s guitar solo filled the air. But before the girl band could start their song, the principal yelled though the megaphone.


The music stopped and everyone turned to face the principal. Their eyes grew wide as the principal continued yelling.


The audience grumbled and scrambled away from the quadrangle. Then, the principal’s glare diverted to the two bands. They couldn’t do anything but sigh and postpone the battle.


Aika's POV

“Mou~ The principal was quite stingy!” Yura whined.

“Now, now. He’s right though. We shouldn’t bother the athletes on their game.” Kai cooed.

“Fuuu~” Yura whined and puffed her cheeks. Then, Ruki walked beside Yura and messed her hair.

“I have to agree with Kai and the principal. But too bad, I was looking forward to beat Yura in singing.” Ruki crouched his back to face Yura and smirked. Their faces were approximately 5 centimeters away.

Yura yanked his arm away from her head and glared at him. “Oh yeah!? You think you can beat me by your tiny chibi voice?”

“Mou yameru yo. Mendokuse,” Harumi groaned and ran towards the student council room. Aoi yelled her name and followed her. Yura ran as well followed by Megumi. Ruki smiled and walked behind them. Then Reita followed too. Kai, Uruha and I were the only ones left.

“Would you look at those lovebirds,” Uruha crossed his arms and smiled at the area where the two lovebirds left.

“Sou ne,” I took a deep breath and smiled as well.

There was a long silence until Kai coughed. We turned to look at him and he gave us his innocent smile and a peace sign. Then he waved at us saying, “Ja, ikou ne? Mata ato de.” and he ran to the opposite side.

Uruha raised an eyebrow and sighed, “Doushite Kai-kun wa?”

“Wakarimasen.” I forced a laugh.

“Well,” He stretched his hand and wrapped it around my shoulder, “since the two of us are now alone, why don’t we spend this day together?”

My eyes grew wide. I yanked myself away from him and stood in the corner. “What do you mean? What are you saying? Just a minute, I’m gonna get a knife.”

Uruha diverted his eyes to his left side and chuckled, “Why are you suddenly getting paranoid, Aika? I said we’re just gonna spend it like normal couples do. Besides, it’s too early for us to commit that.”

I shivered like a scared little squirrel and blushed, “C-Couple? Wh-Who said we’re a couple? And wha-what d-do you mean early?”

Uruha walked towards my direction while I try to push myself through the wall. “Aika,”

My heart started beating abnormally. My face turned redder than I expected because Uruha is leaning his face closer to mine. I just closed my eyes and waited for his lips to touch mine. But after a few minutes, nothing happened. I just heard a sigh.

I opened my eyes and saw Uruha standing a meter in front of me. He brushed his hair and spoke, “You might get mad at me for stealing you kiss. Wait, did I steal your first kiss?”

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