Chapter 36

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Uruha's POV

~ Sports Festival ~

Yes, today is the day. Today is the fucking day that I'm going to die. Just kidding, it's the sports festival. I hate life so much. I really don't want to prepare this fest but since it's a school, I have no fucking choice. And my mom's gonna kill me if I don't take responsibility.

It sucks to be in my shoes. I'm the student council president and the owner of this campus and yet, I have to be an athlete as well. To be honest, I really don't want to play basketball. Yeah, I'm tall but basketball is not my thing. I prefer playing soccer or football than basketball.

Well anyways, I fixed my necktie and went outside my room. I was already done eating breakfast and I ready to go to school. After I slammed the door closed, I suddenly saw Yura going out of her room, carrying her bag and her guitar. Oh yeah, I heard that her band is going to play during the opening ceremony. And so does my band as well. But still, my sister's band still doesn't have a drummer. Wait a minute; didn't Harumi recruit Aika as their drummer? But she never told anyone that she would actually join. Who knows?

"Yura," I called which caught her attention.


"Are you really sure that you and your band are playing this opening ceremony of the sports fest?"

Yura suddenly raised an eyebrow, "Duh, of course Kou-niichan. I wouldn't let anyone play in the sports fest without energy!"

I just smirked at her attitude. Sometimes, I always ask myself where the heck Yura does get her fighting spirit and energetic attitude. No wonder Aika is always having fun whenever she's around my sister. While me...what the heck am I talking about? Am I getting jealous? Nah, I see a blurred image of myself getting jealous.

And please dear author, let me use emoticons. Just this once.

(A/N: Wish denied.)


"Anyway, you guys still need a drummer, right?"

"Isn't that obvious? Why are you asking me that? Are you letting Kai be our guest for our performance?"

"NO!" I exclaimed. Then I coughed, "I mean, no. Kai will also perform during our cue."

"Then, why are you asking such obvious things?"

I sighed and brushed my hair out of annoyance. "Yura, I'm just telling you that if you don't have a drummer, how will you be able to perform?"

Yura walked downstairs. But before she disappeared completely out of my sight, she turned around and winked at me. "It's a secret. You'll be surprised."

Secret eh? I'm not so sure but I really have the feeling that Aika was their new drummer. I mean, who else knows how to play drums beside Kai and Aika, right? Kai is already a part of our band so, I'm pretty sure Aika joined my sister's band.

I smiled and followed Yura. I'm pretty sure there's no way that I'll be surprised at their surprise. I just know that Aika will be a part of my imouto's band.

~ Canthory Academy ~

Wow, it's the first day of sports festival and the school's already full of trashes. The athletes are ready so, I guess I better ready as well...after my fucking speech and band performance.

I entered the student council room and I saw Reita sitting on the couch. I quickly paced towards my table and placed the bag on my chair. Then I went towards the blonde and sat beside him. There was silence but it wasn't long because I already decided to break it.

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