Chapter 49

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Yura's POV

That bastard. My head really hurts, thanks to him. Gaaah. I wanna rip his hair out, I tell ya. Darn that twin of Ruki.

But anyway, he lost the fight since Ruki's vision darkened. Plus the fight they had wasn't about Tora and Uruha. It's actually about their issues.

Shou really hates Ruki. He is totally jealous of him. Why? Ruki already told you guys in the previous chapter so there's no point for me to repeat it.

Well anyway, let's go back to the current situation. Ruki already sent his brother home. I'm pretty sure his parents want to see his twin since he was gone from home for too long already. That should be enough.

I'm pretty worried about Ruki's wounds. It's not really critical. Those were only minor but it still needs first aid. Too bad I don't have my first aid stuff.

"Yura, let's go home." Ruki called. Finally, all I wanted now is to rest. I am so glad that Shou hit me with a wood or else, if it was a metal or something, I would really experience a bad blow in my head. It can also cause coma and amnesia as well.

"What about your wounds?" I asked. Of course it's normal for me to be worried since he received a lot than mine. It might not be critical but still, it needs to be treated immediately.

"I'm fine," He reassured and smiled. And that smile made my heart beat fast...and it's too loud as well. Stop it, you hollow muscular organ! He will hear it! Just pump blood normally!

( A/N: Goodness, Yura. Since when did you became so good in biology? You are making my nose bleed. )

Biology happens to be an easy subject. And shush! Ruki will suspect something!

( A/N: Hnn, why don't you confess already? )


( A/N: I know you've been trying to confess your love to him. )

I-I can't do that!

( A/N: Your feelings is what we're talking about. And you are supposed scold it, not the organ literally. It doesn't even have an idea of what's going on. )

I am still supposed to scold an organ. My brain to be exact.

( A/N: Hypothalamus. )

I know.

Well anyway, enough with the biology lessons! Comparing science over something is really the worst. Even though I'm the one who started it.

Ruki probably thinks that an awkward silence has wrapped around us. Well, the reason behind's above. I was having an argument with the author. And trying to prevent Ruki from hearing my heartbeat.

Oh man, what should I do? I really made the situation awkward. Stupid Yura, why did you decided to be silent!? You're the one who's conscious about his injury and yet—'s pretty useless to argue with yourself.

But it seems like Ruki doesn't care. Because he picked his jacket up and carried it on his shoulder. Then he started walking away. But before he could completely distance himself away from me, I called him. But instead of saying his name, "Uhm," were the words came out of my mouth.

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