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muse /mjuːz/
a person who is the source of inspiration, typically for a creative artist.


Namjoon sighed as he stared at the large canvas, shaking his head as he handed it back to Yoongi. Yoongi had already expected this outcome ― it happened every time these days ― but he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that, once again, he had failed to produce a piece decent enough for Namjoon to take it. And Namjoon wasn't that fussy when it came to what he'd show in his gallery ― when it came to the good ones, anyway ― which made it even worse.

"It's good, Yoongi, I'll give you that." Namjoon said, and Yoongi nodded because this he knew. Call it cocky but it was just the truth, everyone with less of an eye for art agreed with him. If it hadn't been Namjoon, his art might have been accepted. But Namjoon knew Yoongi and knew what he was like; give him some inspiration and he'd produce a masterpiece. And that was Yoongi's problem ― he had no inspiration.

"Do you mind just, throwing it in the garbage for me? My bin's getting full?" Yoongi asked, gesturing at the failure of a painting.

"Don't throw it out, when you throw away things, it's like you're throw away memories. Things you worked hard to make, hours spent on it. Throw it away and you throw away those hours, wasted." Namjoon said quickly, pulling the painting from Yoongi's grasp and holding it possessively.

"Dude, it's just a painting." Yoongi tried to take it back from Namjoon.

"It's a painting you spent hours making, one you put effort into. Don't just throw it away because it didn't make it into an art gallery."

"Namjoon, I've done plenty of paintings, it won't matter if I throw this one out." Namjoon let Yoongi take the painting back, sighing.

"Just don't throw this one out. Promise me you won't go home and throw it out."

"Yeah, sure."

That night, Yoongi went home and threw the painting in his overflowing bin, along with all the other rejected paintings. He didn't have any need for paintings lacking the 'emotion' Namjoon was looking for, didn't want them. He didn't need reminders of his failure.

Yoongi woke to the obnoxious jingle of his phone's ringtone, which reminded he had to change it soon. He reached over to his bedside table and felt around until he grabbed his phone, pressing the button and bringing it to his ear. He lay there for a few seconds, trying to comprehend what he was going to say.

"Uh.." The other person said eventually, seeming a bit flustered at the silence he'd received from the other end. "Is this- is this, uh, Min Yoongi?"

"Yeah." Yoongi croaked.

"Uh.. I'm Jeon Jungkook, I saw your ad in the paper." Jungkook said, reminding Yoongi he'd put that ad out. He was having difficulty paying the rent, so he was going to have to get a room mate. He didn't like the thought of that at all, but the alternative was moving and he didn't like that. "So, uh, I was wondering if the offer was still standing."

"Yeah, you're the first to call." Yoongi rolled onto his back and rubbed his eyes, sighing. "When would you be able to have an interview? I'm free basically any day."

"Uh.. I'm free today, if you're fine with that."


"How often do you clean? Are you a clean-freak or a slob, or somewhere in between?" Yoongi asked as he looked down at the set of questions he'd decided to ask anyone who called up about the room. He'd met up with Jungkook at a cafe nearby, which he knew was good because he went there quite often. It was the only place that served decent tasting coffee, and had a decent looking guy serving them.

Jungkook fidgeted, chewing on his bottom lip as he stared down at the table. "Uh, somewhere in between.. probably. I don't clean a lot, but I clean enough so that the place looks presentable and nice."

"Good luck with my house." Yoongi muttered before moving on to the next question. "What do you do on weekends?"

"Well, I do homework and, uh, hang out with friends." Jungkook looked incredibly nervous as he looked at everything except Yoongi. Yoongi stared at Jungkook, looking incredibly emotionless and probably putting Jungkook off even more. "If I was living at your place, I'd probably go and visit my boyfriend because he's, um, a bit protective and stuff. I mean, he'd want me to visit."

"Is he likely to want to come over and have sex?" Jungkook's eyes widened and he quickly shook his head, his cheeks turning bright red.

"N-No, he's not like that. He said he was going to wait until I was ready and old enough, and until he was certain we were both completely one hundred percent serious about our relationship."

"Right. Okay.. Do you smoke?" Jungkook shook his head quickly. "Are you a big drinker? Likely to throw massive parties, get smashed, those sort of things?"

"I'm not old enough to drink, and I'm not that sort of person anyway." Yoongi put his notebook down on the table and crossed his arms, frowning slightly at Jungkook. Their waiter came over and placed their drinks in front of them, smiling at Yoongi.

"Here you go, hyung, an extra special coffee just for you." He said and Yoongi frowned at him. The coffee was probably just an average coffee, but on the top it had a little heart made in the froth. "Oh! Who's this? Your date?"

"No, Jimin, this is Jungkook, my potential room mate." Jimin and Jungkook greeted each other and Jimin put Jungkook's drink down in front of him. Jungkook's drink was similar to Yoongi's except it was a lot more colourful because of the pink marshmallows ― he'd got a hot chocolate with marshmallows, something Yoongi had silently judged him for ― and it also just had a smiley face on it. Jimin only gave love hearts to the customers he liked a lot.

"Thank you." Jungkook said quietly, taking a sip from his hot chocolate.

"Aigoo, so cute!" Jimin exclaimed, smiling widely as he stared down at Jungkook. Yoongi rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Jimin, I think you've got more coffees to make.." Yoongi said.

"Oh, right. Bye then. See you hyung, see you Jungkook." Jimin then hurried off, letting Yoongi resume questioning Jungkook again.

"What sort of person are you?" He asked before taking a sip of his coffee.


"You said you weren't that sort of person. What sort of person are you?"

"Oh, well.. to be honest, I'm more focussed on school and doing well rather than partying." Jungkook said as he placed his cup back down on the saucer. " I don't particularly want to waste my life and teen years getting drunk and partying, I'll probably have plenty of time to do it when I'm older, so I'm just going to work hard and have fun later."

"All work and no play makes Jungkook a dull boy." Yoongi said quietly, making Jungkook chuckle and cover his smile with his hand. "Anyway, what time do you go to bed?"

"Depends on when I get my homework done." Jungkook shrugged. Yoongi nodded slowly before frowning slightly.

"How old are you?"

"Eighteen, I'm finishing my final year of school this year."

"Right, I'll call you if you get the room."

Probs shouldn't be publishing this now but hey it's me and when have I ever done what I should do?
Or, like, anything sensible?

Though I've gotta be honest, for some strange reason I'm scared to hit that publish button..

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