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Taehyung existed. Whether there was a reason for his existence or not, he didn't know. As far as he could tell, he was a meaningless speck of existence in the big, wide universe. Well, all except one reason.

Taehyung sat as Hoseok painted him, his back beginning to ache from being in the same position for the long period of time and his nose itching. Hoseok had allowed him a brief moment to scratch his nose, but the itch had returned stronger than ever and Taehyung didn't want to bother Hoseok by taking another brief break. He didn't like bothering people, Hoseok of all people.

Since he'd graduated high school, Taehyung had jumped from job to job as he tried to find something he was passionate for and a course for him to study in uni. Currently, he was in between jobs, unless you counted being a muse as a job. Taehyung didn't, it was merely his payment for Hoseok, who fed him and let him sleep in his apartment and basically just looked after him as he struggled to find a meaning in his life.

"Almost done." Hoseok muttered as he glanced up at Taehyung. Taehyung nodded his head slightly, doing his best not to move too much.

Sometimes he thought he should take up being a statue, given he seemed best at keeping still and having people admire him. A pretty face, no one really cared about what was underneath the surface or the man in the painting. Because he was just that - a man in a rather good painting, a muse. When people looked at paintings, they cared about the emotions they felt or the person who painted it.

"Do you want to go out after this? I found this nice cafe the other day." Hoseok asked, looking over at him again.

"Nah, I'm kind of tired." Lies. Taehyung just didn't want Hoseok spending more money on him.

"Alright, how 'bout we just watch a movie then?"

"Sure." Taehyung responded, scrunching up his nose quickly while Hoseok wasn't looking. The itch persisted. "What one?" Hoseok shrugged.

"Whichever.. I hope Namjoon likes this." Me too, Taehyung thought. He remained silent though, because Hoseok was looking at him again and he didn't want to move. "He usually likes them, he's always happy to see the paintings. I still don't understand why you won't come with me some time.."

"I don't like seeing myself, it's weird."

"Right.." Hoseok sighed and continued painting. Then he stopped, resting his hands on his lap as he looked at Taehyung. Paint was getting on his jeans. "Do you ever feel like there's more to life than what we're doing? Like, there's something out there that you could be doing instead, something different?"

Every day. Taehyung shrugged. "Yeah, I suppose. Why, do you feel that way?" Now Hoseok shrugged.

"Dunno, I was just thinking about it." He sighed again and returned to painting.

"Eat." Seokjin said, placing the tray of cakes down in front of Jungkook. He sat down at the table across from him. "I made them today and I need someone to test them."

"Okay.. They all look good." Jungkook said as he picked the closest cupcake.

"How's the apartment?" Seokjin asked as Jungkook bit into the cupcake, watching him intently. Jungkook nodded, knowing he'd be scolded if he spoke with his mouthful. Seokjin could act a lot like his mother sometimes, just nicer. "Is your housemate still alright?"

"He's nice. I broke a rule the other day but he let me off the hook."

"You broke a rule?" Jungkook nodded, taking another bite and eating it quickly.

"I went into his room without his permission, only to grab a blanket." Jungkook shrugged, licking his lips. "This is really good, are you going to sell it?"

"Don't know yet, I'll have to see. How's school?"

"Eh, boring. I failed the English test―" Seokjin hit Jungkook on the head from over the table, cutting the younger boy off as he rubbed the spot he'd been hit. "What? It's not like it wasn't going to happen!"

"If you need help studying or something, come ask me―"

"Oh yeah, Yoongi hyung got his friend to help me. He's pretty smart." Seokjin sighed and chewed on his bottom lip. "Can I have another cupcake?"

"Yeah, sure..."

I feel like this chapter sucked but oh well..
At least it didn't swallow (I hope)

I just wanted to introduce Taehyung

MUSE, yoonkookWhere stories live. Discover now