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note: all my hard work, deleted... I had to re-write it all.

Yoongi and Jungkook walked around the park, holding hands. Yoongi was pretty sure his hands were probably sweaty and clammy and gross to hold but every time he tried to pull his hand away, Jungkook tightened his grip.

Jungkook looked down at their hands, noticing that Yoongi's fingers were covered in paint. His fingers seemed to be tattooed with the splashes of colour. Jungkook smiled, before looking up and around at the buildings they were walking past.

"Oh, hyung, look!" Jungkook pointed across the road, at the new shop that had opened up. Yoongi looked across, seeing an ice-skating rink opened up. Jungkook grinned at him, tugging excitedly on Yoongi's hand. "Let's go there, pleease. I've always wanted to go ice-skating."

"Sure." Yoongi felt he'd be unable to deny Jungkook anything, especially when he looked at him so excitedly. He looked like a puppy, eyes wide and his face just begging for Yoongi to say yes. He smiled at him as Jungkook essentially dragged him across the road.

After buying tickets and getting their shoes on, Yoongi and Jungkook made their way over to the ice rink. Their movements were slow and awkward, neither used to moving with ice-skates on their feet. When the blades hit the ice, Jungkook slipped and almost brought Yoongi and himself crashing to the ground. Luckily, Yoongi managed to grip on to the barrier of the ice rink and held the pair of them up.

They shuffled across the ice, trying to get used to the new form of movement. They clung to each other, gripping the other's arms and leaning against them when they slipped. The pair laughed quietly at themselves.

Jungkook got the hang of it first, eventually reaching the level where he could skate circles around Yoongi. Or, at least partial circles as Yoongi clung to the barrier and stopped Jungkook from managing complete circles.

Yoongi glared at Jungkook as he teased him, skating with ease as though he'd been doing this all his life. Yoongi still hadn't been able to quite manage the hang of it.

"Come on, hold my hand. It'll be easier." Jungkook said, plucking Yoongi's grasp from the barrier. Yoongi held tightly on to Jungkook's hand, but he gradually got more used to skating as Jungkook forced him to skate properly to keep up. Jungkook smiled as he looked at some of the other couples skating, noticing one particular couple. "Hey hyung, look at them."

Yoongi looked where Jungkook was pointing, at a couple who were spinning around. The man lifted his assumed girlfriend up into the air as they continued to spin, and Yoongi groaned instantly. "We are not doing that."

"Come on, I'm sure I could lift you."

"I don't doubt that, but not on ice. If you want to lift me, spin me around and make me feel like I'm a kid again, then wait until we're on normal ground wearing normal shoes." Jungkook sighed, and they continued skating.

"I'm sure I'd be able to do it." Jungkook muttered. "Seokjin hyung would have let me try."

"No, Seokjin hyung wouldn't have. It's too dangerous, haven't you seen Blades of Glory?" Jungkook frowned at Yoongi for a few moments. Yoongi then shrugged. "What? Haven't you seen it?"

"I have, but I'm not asking to do that sort of stunt. I just want to lift you up and spin you around."

"Can you even spin on skates?" Jungkook then did a spin with ease, poking his tongue out at Yoongi before doing another spin. Yoongi sighed as he crossed his arms. "Alright, alright, you can spin on skates. But you're not spinning me around."

"You're no fun."

"Yeah, I know. Boo hoo." Yoongi wrapped his arm around Jungkook's shoulder, smiling at him. "I'll take you out somewhere fancy instead, how does that sound?"

"Like Maccas?" Jungkook asked hopefully and Yoongi frowned, although he still had a confused smile on his lips.

"I said fancy."

"Maccas has those fancy specials." Yoongi sighed.

"Fine. We'll go to Maccas."

note: pretty sure my original chapter was longer, but oh well.

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