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Jimin's hands were shaking more than usual as he brought Hoseok's drink over to the table. It was just a latte, like the one Hoseok had ordered when they'd first met, but Jimin was more nervous about Hoseok drinking this one than he had been with every other drink he'd given Hoseok so far.

Jimin crept up behind Hoseok and placed the cup down in front of him, wiping his sweaty hands on his apron as he sat on the seat across from Hoseok. He looked around the room nervous, meeting Seokjin's eye. Seokjin gave him a thumbs up, but it didn't make Jimin feel any better.

Hoseok stared down at the drink he'd just been given, slowly putting his book down. He swallowed slowly. The drink was a normal latte, except it was made by Jimin and had 'J ♡ S' written across the froth in syrup. Hoseok looked up at Jimin as Jimin let out a shaky, nervous breath.

"Seokkie, I really, really don't want to ruin our friendship... But," Jimin paused, trying to gain the confidence to say what could potentially destroy their current relationship or, hopefully, make things better. He clenched his hands into fists and kept his gaze down, unable to meet Hoseok's gaze. "I really like you, more than a friend. I'm sorry, if it makes things awkward we can pretend this never happened and go back to being friends and I won't say―"

"Jimin, stop." Hoseok said, cutting Jimin off. Jimin stopped with a sharp intake of his breath, his body frozen as he waited for Hoseok to reject him. He couldn't even breath, and the suspense was killing him. Quite literally. Realising Jimin wasn't even looking at him, Hoseok got off his seat and moved closer to Jimin. He crouched down in front of him, so that Jimin was forced to look at him. He smiled at Jimin's red face. "If I hadn't liked you a bit more than a friend, I would have commented on all the love hearts you put on my drinks, or how you kissed me yesterday, or all those funny little comments you made about my drawings of you. I didn't say anything because I'm too awkward and didn't want to ruin our friendship, and you seem to be friendly with everyone you talk to so I didn't want to accidentally mistake the way you were acting with me for someth―"

This time Jimin cut Hoseok off. Not with words, but with a hug. He fell down from his chair, hugging Hoseok tightly as they both kneeled on the cafe floor. Hoseok chuckled, but Jimin's fingers were kind of hurting where they were digging into his shoulders. He didn't say anything, because despite that he didn't mind hugging Jimin.

"Guys, as much as it's cute and all and I really don't want to interrupt," Seokjin said as he tapped Jimin's shoulder, reminding the two men where they were. "But Jimin, you've got work to do. Don't worry, I'll leave the house tonight, you can do couple-y things then."

"Oh, hyung, we won't do anything like that." Jimin said quickly, shaking his hand in the air. He chuckled nervously, and Hoseok nodded in agreement. Seokjin shrugged.

"I don't really want to be the third-wheel, and there's this movie out that Jungkook wants to watch so I'll just go see that with him and take him to McDonald's or something."

"Thanks, hyung." Jimin said as Seokjin walked off. He then got to his feet, helping Hoseok up as well. He stood there for a second, smiling at Hoseok because a laugh bubbled up inside of him. It had dissolved into a giggle by the time it escaped his mouth. "My boyfriend Seokkie, I like the sound of that."

"Me too."

"Oh, guess what." Jungkook said as he and Seokjin sat in the quiet corner of the McDonald's store. Seokjin raised his eyebrows in response, in the middle of drinking and therefore unable to verbally respond. "Yesterday, Yoongi hyung said if I get above seventy in my next test, he'd take me out to a place of my choice except here, and use his own money."

"I'm guessing Yoongi paying is a big thing..." Jungkook shrugged, eating some fries.

"I dunno, he took me out before but I don't know if he or Namjoon hyung paid. But now I have to get above seventy, and Namjoon hyung's already told me if I do what he taught me I should be fine."

"And what did he teach you?"

"Pardon?" Jungkook asked, before grinning. Seokjin repeated himself, which made Jungkook chuckle. "Oh no, that's what he taught me. You know what else he taught me?"

Seokjin was almost afraid to ask. "What?"

"I got him to teach me this... My name is Jungkook, international playboy!"

"I really hope not." Seokjin muttered while Jungkook just sat there laughing at himself.

Jungkook and Seokjin stood in the entrance way of Jungkook and Yoongi's house, saying their goodbyes. Yoongi was nowhere to be seen, presumably in his bedroom. Jungkook smiled up at Seokjin.

"Thanks for taking me to the movies, and then McDonald's... And buying me this cake." Jungkook said, putting the cake on the ground as he went to hug Seokjin. On the way home, he'd begged Seokjin to stop off at the shops so he could buy Yoongi a cake. He thought it was fair because he'd left him alone all night. Seokjin ended up paying, although Jungkook had said multiple times he could do it.

Seokjin hugged Jungkook, smiling as he told him it was no problem, and it really wasn't. Seokjin didn't mind spending money on Jungkook, given the boy got all funny about receiving gifts. Jungkook then pulled away, giggling as he looked at Seokjin.

Seokjin had thought Jungkook was leaning up to kiss him on the cheek, like he always did, but instead Jungkook leaned up and kissed him on the lips. Seokjin's eyes widened as Jungkook quickly kissed him. It was over before Seokjin could even comprehend what had happened but, luckily for him, Jungkook had gained more confidence with the first one and did it again. This time, it lasted longer.

Long enough for Yoongi to come out of his bedroom to go get a drink and see what was happening. He paused, watching the kissing couple for a few seconds before turning and returning to his bedroom. Neither Jungkook or Seokjin realised he was even there.

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