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Namjoon put the painting up on the white wall, smiling at it. The painting was of a boy, smiling up at the sky as the sun shone down on him, swinging on a swing. Namjoon could recognise him by the green streaks in his fringe, the boy who was almost always Hoseok's subject for his paintings. From the paintings, Namjoon thought the boy was handsome, someone he wished he knew. But Hoseok never told him who he was, he didn't even give him a name.

"I'll probably have more later." Hoseok sighed as sat on one of the couches in the centre of the room, resting his head on his hand as he stared at the painting. He was frowning, an expression Namjoon thought never looked quite right on Hoseok's face. Hoseok looked better smiling or laughing. "I mean, I paint so it's not unlikely."

"Alright, just swing by whenever." Namjoon said and Hoseok nodded, standing up to leave. Namjoon watched as the older man left, wondering what was troubling his friend.

After going through the legalities and paperwork and packing that came with changing house and getting a new house mate, Jungkook moved into Yoongi's house.

He carried the first of his few boxes up to the door, frowning when he realised his problem. With his arms full of boxes, he had no way to open or knock on the door, and he didn't really want to put the boxes down in fear of not being able to pick them back up afterwards. He frowned at the door, trying to figure out a way to deal with this predicament.

He tried knocking with his fingers, but they could hardly reach because the box was in the road and barely even made a knocking sound. Just a light scratching noise he doubted Yoongi would be able to hear. So then he used his head. Literally.

One knock of his head against the blue wooden door made Jungkook realise that his idea was definitely not a good one. His face scrunched up in pain as he fought against the reflex to bring his hand up to his sore forehead, because that would cause the box to drop on his foot, break the contents as well as cause him to be sore on both ends.

But thankfully, the painful knock was also enough to get Yoongi's attention and the man soon appeared at the door. He stood, holding the door open as he frowned at Jungkook, still dressed in his pyjamas. While Jungkook was grateful his pyjamas consisted of matching striped flannel top and bottoms, he was mildly surprised to discover that Yoongi was still in his pyjamas despite it being eleven-thirty. Jungkook would have been dressed and ready by now, even if he had nowhere to be.

"You know you could've used your foot or something." Yoongi said when he realised what had happened, seeing the red mark forming on Jungkook's forehead. Jungkook just groaned, his forehead still stinging. His eyes were starting to prick with tears he quickly blinked away, not wanting to seem like he was crying. Because he wasn't, it was just the pain. "Come in, before you drop the box or something."

Jungkook stepped into the small house and paused for a moment, staring at the front room in amazement. "Woah..."

"I'll clean it up later, most of it needs to be chucked out anyway." Yoongi said as he walked off.

"No, it's fine.." Jungkook said quietly, staring at the mess. Canvases lay scattered everywhere - some painted on, some not - and some of them, presumably Yoongi's favourites, had been given spots on the walls. There were paints, paintbrushes and pallets also lying on the floor, creating a rather artistic mess. Jungkook stepped through them, carefully trying to avoid stepping on anything. It proved a difficult task but Jungkook managed to make it through, it just took a long time.

"This is your room." Yoongi said, gesturing at the open door he was leaning against. "Mine's next door, don't enter it unless you have my permission."

"Okay." Jungkook carried his box into the empty room, staring around it. Unlike the other room (which had dark walls), this one was completely painted white. He placed the box down on the floor, turning around to see Yoongi standing there, watching him.

"It's small, but it's the bigger room of the two of them." He said, shrugging.

"Why don't you have-"

"Because I used to live with someone else, but they left, and they chose that room when we moved here." Yoongi said and Jungkook nodded slowly, deciding not to ask any more about the subject. He barely knew Yoongi, not enough to be discussing personal things with him, and Yoongi didn't seem to want to talk about it anyway.

"Are you an artist?" Jungkook asked as he left the bedroom. Yoongi shrugged.

"Not a very good one." Jungkook looked around at all the paintings, some of people, some of just animals and plants and things he might have seen going to a park. All of them were things Jungkook could only dream of being able to paint, at that level of quality. He figured Yoongi was being modest. "They're all missing something,"


"Emotion, passion. They're all just paintings." Yoongi shrugged again, staring at one of the paintings on the wall. He then looked at Jungkook. "Do you want help bringing the boxes inside? I've got nothing better to do."

"Uh.. No- actually, yeah, I would like some help, thanks." Jungkook smiled at Yoongi, who gave him a half-smile in response.

"I still haven't made breakfast yet, so afterwards I make us both something."


"Did you eat well? What's your housemate like? Are they nice? Are they mean? You know you can come move in with me if you want, I promise I won't do anything dodgy." Jungkook chuckled as Seokjin bombarded him with questions. It was evening now, and Seokjin had made him promise to call him every night.

"I'm fine, hyung. And Yoongi hyung isn't bad, he's pretty nice. He made me breakfast and helped me with my unpacking." Jungkook said, trying to address all his boyfriend's questions. "And I'm fine here, really. I'm trying to be independent here, remember? I'm going to be an adult soon, and I can't be living with a mum all the time."

"Hey! I'm your boyfriend, not your mum." Seokjin scolded, making Jungkook laugh.

"When I finish school and I'm older and more experienced, that's when we can go buy that house you wanted. Just let me stop being such a baby first."

"Aw, but I love my baby."

"I love you too, hyung." Jungkook accidentally yawned loudly into the phone, tired after a day of unpacking. Even with Yoongi's help, it'd taken a while.

"You should sleep, it's getting late and you still have school tomorrow." Seokjin said, and Jungkook glanced at his clock. "Call me tomorrow night. And have a good sleep."

"Alright, hyung, good night."

"I love you." Jungkook smiled.

"You too, hyung. Good night."

"Sweet dreams."

Yoongi sighed as he listened to the whispering coming from the bedroom next door, rolling on to his side. He wasn't used to having people in the house, and having them sound so lovey-dovey just made him feel uncomfortable. It'd been a while since anything like that had occurred in this house.

I went on this search for a decent quote to put at the top of this but couldn't find any...

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