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"It's too quiet." Yoongi muttered as he lay on the couch, playing mindless games on his phone. He'd only just realised that, without Jungkook's stupid blabbering, the house was awfully quiet. It made him almost miss the boy.

"I come bearing gifts of food!" Almost.

Yoongi sighed as he looked up from his phone, where Jungkook and some stranger stood. Jungkook was holding a plastic bag up in the air, a massive grin on his lips.

"Oh, and Seokjin hyung walked me to the door." Jungkook added when he remembered Seokjin standing behind him. "Seokjin hyung, Yoongi hyung. Yoongi hyung, Seokjin hyung."

"Hi." Yoongi said, not bothering to get up from where he was stretched out on the couch. Seokjin nodded and smiled in response.

"Thank you for letting Jungkook share with you, and helping him with his schoolwork." He said. Jungkook walked properly into the house, putting the plastic bag on the coffee table before disappearing into his room. Yoongi stared at Seokjin.

"You can come in, you know. Unless you're a vampire, in which case I take back that invitation." Seokjin chuckled awkwardly but shook his head.

"I'm not a vampire, but I can't stay anyway. I've got to go home and cook."

"Nice excuse.." Yoongi muttered. Seokjin went to leave when Yoongi called out Jungkook's name. The younger boy appeared at his bedroom door way, a confused look on his face. "Jungkook, don't be rude. Go say goodbye to your boyfriend."

"Oh!" Jungkook rushed over to Seokjin, hugging him tightly before leaning up and kissing Seokjin on the cheek. Yoongi watched the interaction before deciding his phone was more interesting. Seokjin smiled down at Jungkook. "Bye hyung."

"Bye. I love you." Jungkook grinned widely and giggled like an overexcited school girl.

"I love you too." Jungkook giggled again, quickly kissing Seokjin on the cheek again. Yoongi yawned loudly, tapping at his screen.

"I'd better go.." Seokjin said and Jungkook nodded. Only once Seokjin had left did Yoongi look back up.

"What were these gifts you were talking about?" He asked Jungkook, who was too busy sighing happily as he leaned against the wall. He looked like the typical female from some romantic flick, sighing over their love interest. Thankfully this look disappeared when his focus returned to Yoongi.

"Oh yeah. So, Seokjin hyung made cakes but he made too many and then told me to bring them home. I was too full to eat them there." Jungkook said as he walked over to the coffee table and picked up the plastic bag. He pulled the contents out, revealing a whole heap of fancy plates. Yoongi's eyes widened as he stared at them all.

"I think we're going to need help." Yoongi said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his flip phone. "Namjoon, this is a matter of extreme urgency. I need you here immediately, or I may possibly die. Die. Do you hear me Namjoon?? DIE!"

Yoongi then hung up the phone with a smug look on his face.


"Okay... I'm here... Don't die..." Namjoon panted, before collapsing on to the floor. "I ran... From..." He fell silent. "It was so far..."

"Well," Yoongi said as he smiled down at Namjoon. "Good thing we have sugar to re-energise you."

"Jungkook, you're a mess." Yoongi said as he glanced over at Jungkook. Jungkook looked up cluelessly, chocolate smeared across his cheek. Yoongi sighed as he stared at him. He reached for a napkin, licking it before roughly rubbing it against the chocolate smears. Jungkook scrunched his face up in disgust and pain as Yoongi continued to try and clean him.

"What are you, my mum?" Jungkook complained when Yoongi licked the tip of the napkin again. "Only mothers do that!"

"This is your punishment for being a grot." Yoongi said. Jungkook attempted to pull away so Yoongi grabbed the back of his head and held him there. Namjoon watched in amusement, still eating the strawberry cake he'd decided he liked a lot.

"Hyung." Jungkook whined, still trying to push Yoongi off of him.

"Hold. Still." Yoongi was practically on top of Jungkook, and Jungkook's face was turning bright red from Yoongi's roughness. "It'll be worse the more you struggle."


Honestly, Namjoon is my favourite character in this.
Everyone needs a Namjoon in their life.

I should be studying, but too late now. I wasn't going to anyway..

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