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Jimin hovered by Hoseok's table, something that normally wouldn't have been unusual except for how nervous he looked. He watched intently as Hoseok lifted the cup to his lips, making Hoseok feel slightly uncomfortable about being watched. He tried to ignore the feeling of Jimin's eyes on him and drank the hot drink. He was surprised to discover that this was not the latte he'd ordered, but it did explain why Jimin was still staring at him the way he was.

"It's good." Hoseok said, a slight laugh in his voice as he looked up at Jimin. Jimin looked relieved, his usual smile returning to his lips. Hoseok smiled at him and took another sip. "Everything you make is good."

"I want to make you the best drink in the world, the best you've ever tasted." Jimin said determinedly, crouching down at the table. Hoseok nodded slightly, confused as to why Jimin was acting like this. "I want you to taste other people's drinks and think this is nothing like my Jiminnie's."

"My Jiminnie's?" Jimin's eyes widened as he realised what he said, but he made no attempt to cover it up. There was no point in doing so now, Hoseok had already heard.

"Yeah, because I'm going to be your best friend. And as a best friend, we need to have nicknames for each other, and to avoid any potential embarrassing ones, I've pre-decided it." Jimin explained. "You're already Seokkie, I've decided that."

"Why do you get to choose yours but I can't choose mine?" Hoseok asked, although he had no complaints with the one Jimin had thought up. Jimin shrugged.

"Because I'm the one who thought the nickname thing up, you didn't come to me want to have nicknames for each other. I decided it on my walk over when I saw you and thought wow, Seokkie's looking good today." Jimin chuckled as Hoseok grew flustered, and poked the older male's flushed cheek. "But you looked sad again, why do you always look sad when you have that drawing book out?"

"I don't know, it just bores me." Hoseok shrugged as Jimin picked up the book, flicking through the many pages. Most of them were Taehyung, but as he went further through the book he noticed more of them were of himself. Whenever Taehyung was drawn, it was already in dark, heavy pencil lines and never happy. But then Jimin always seemed happy in the sketches of him, practically radiating sunshine. Jimin found it amusing to see this, because that's what he thought of Hoseok as ― literal sunshine... when he was smiling, of course.

"I dunno, I'd pretty upset if I was drawing upset people all the time too." Jimin said, putting the book back on the table. "Have you tried drawing happier things, besides me?"

"I don't want to draw, I do it because I have to. It's a job." Hoseok sighed, taking another sip of his drink. Jimin looked up at him sadly, glancing over as the door twinkled and some new customers entered. They looked like hipster, and probably were. They were the only people The Thirsty Artist ever got, aside from artists and the dates of artists.

"I'll be back, I've just got to serve these customers." Jimin said. Hoseok nodded, continuing to drink as he stared at the sketchbook that lay on the table. It made him sigh.

When Jimin returned, he snuck up behind Hoseok. He appeared behind him, reaching around to press a marshmallow to Hoseok's lips. The powder was spread across the older male's lips, before he was snapped out of his daydream and realised what was happening. He jumped and looked behind him, at Jimin. Jimin smiled as he continued to press the marshmallow against Hoseok's lips.

"Eat it, I promise nothing's wrong with it." Jimin said and Hoseok opened his mouth, allowing the marshmallow to be pushed inside. Jimin's fingertips brushed against Hoseok's lips, collecting even more marshmallow dust on them. Despite this, Jimin licked his fingers afterwards. Hoseok chewed the marshmallow, staring up at Jimin. "I thought about what you said, and I've decided something."


"We're going to have to stop meeting in the cafe." Sadness instantly filled Hoseok, and he couldn't understand why Jimin looked so happy. "Instead we're going to have to start meeting outside of here, I want you to come over on the weekend. We can play video games and eat Seokjin hyung's cooking, it'll be fun."

Hoseok sighed in relief. "Thank God, I thought you meant we weren't going to meet anymore.. Like, at all."

"Gosh, no. Why would I stop seeing my best friend?" Hoseok shrugged. "No, I just want to extend our friendship to the next level. We can't be proper best friends until we've met in other places than just this, and my place is as good as any. I spoke to Seokjin hyung about it too, and he said it's fine."

"Alright... Do you want me to give you my number, so you can give me the address?" Jimin's face lit up and he nodded.

"Seokkie, having your number would make me a very happy barista."


I just realised, after basically being made to re-read it when reading comments, that with that little yoonmin scene in whichever chapter they discussed sex, I may have made writing the sex scene I promised difficult for myself.

Like, I can't write mind-blowing sex... My mind is intact, so obviously I've never experienced it, and there's no one I've got to go "hey bud, describe mind-blowing sex to me. Especially the fingers, what's it like to go to Hong Kong?"

Unless I just do a sub-ship... VMon can just have average sex in a closet, that works.

I'm kidding, I'll figure something out.

And with that longer than normal author's note done, I shall leave. Adiós.

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