bonus chapter: yoonkook

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mature :: the promised smut scene is finally here (did you really think I'd forgotten my promise?)
+ to be honest, it wasn't worth the wait (it's not mind blowing)

Yoongi groaned exaggeratedly as he carried Jungkook into their motel room, putting on a show about how difficult it was to carry the younger man. Though it really wasn't, and if there was anyone Yoongi actually wanted to carry, it was Jungkook. He liked the way he fit in his arms. Jungkook just smiled at him, adjusting his grip around Yoongi's neck and snuggling closer. His head rest against Yoongi's shoulder, his breath tickling Yoongi's collar.

After a minor struggle with the door, Yoongi opened it and picked Jungkook back up. He kicked his shoes off at the door and carried Jungkook into the bedroom.

The bed was completely white except for a red throw-over and the red and pink rose petals scattered across the sheets. Some chocolates made a loveheart on top of the towel that sat at the edge of the bed. There was a wide window the stretched across the wall and showed the night sky and city.

Yoongi gently placed Jungkook down on the bed and began untying his shoes for him. As he did that, Jungkook reached across and grabbed one of the chocolates. When Yoongi looked up at him, Jungkook fed him the chocolate. His fingers brushed against Yoongi's lips as he pushed the chocolate into his mouth, and Yoongi kissed them lightly. Jungkook smiled at him and moved his hand to Yoongi's cheek, lightly caressing it.

"I love you so much." He whispered. Yoongi dropped Jungkook's shoes to the ground and climbed on to the bed. He sat across from Jungkook, picking up on of the chocolates and pressed it against Jungkook's lips. Jungkook parted them, allowing the chocolate to enter. He sucked on the tip of Yoongi's finger, licking away any of the chocolate crumbs that had lingered on his skin.

"I love you too." Yoongi whispered back, moving his fingers away so he could kiss Jungkook. He held onto Jungkook's hands, their fingers intertwined, as he kissed him. Their lips and mouths tasted of the chocolate they'd just eaten, and Yoongi thought there was nothing sweeter than Jungkook's kisses.

Jungkook felt himself falling backwards as Yoongi leaned against him and he hit the mattress with a thud. The little air he had left in his lungs was knocked out of him in one gush, but he continued to kiss Yoongi. He smiled, having a hard time kissing Yoongi as he began to become full of giddy giggles. It was all suddenly occurring to him; he was Yoongi's husband, that gold band on Yoongi's finger was a sign that Yoongi was his, the gold band on his own finger meant he was Yoongi's, Yoongi was his husband... He loved Yoongi and Yoongi loved him.

"You know," Yoongi said as he began to pepper little kisses across Jungkook's face and neck, "some people have had threesomes and stuff on their honeymoons..." Jungkook frowned at him, as Yoongi gave him his gummy smile and kissed his nose. "But I wouldn't want anyone in here with you. You're mine and mine alone, and you're enough for me. You're all I want."

Jungkook relaxed again, although his heart was starting to quicken in his chest. As Yoongi's fingers brushed against the buttons of his shirt and began unbuttoning them, Jungkook was sure Yoongi could feel his heartbeat. He had to, it was so fast and hard he couldn't possibly not.

"You. are. so. perfect." After every word, Yoongi would unbutton another button, revealing more and more of Jungkook's chest. As each part was revealed, Yoongi would kiss a patch of it. Soon all Jungkook's buttons were undone and his entire chest was bare. Yoongi kissed him on the lips again, his tongue entering Jungkook's mouth and moving against his tongue. He quickly pulled his own shirt off so they were equal, before his fingers ran up Jungkook's side.

Jungkook gasped as Yoongi's thumb brushed over his nipple before running circles around it. He pulled away from Jungkook, leaving a trail of kisses down his body until his mouth reached the other nipple. So as Yoongi nibbled and licked Jungkook's nipple, his hand mimicked the actions with the other one. Jungkook began to groan and squirm.

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