bonus chapter: jihope

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It wasn't until Jimin heard the quiet sniffles that he realised Hoseok was crying. Jimin looked away from the laptop screen and movie and looked at Hoseok, who was wiping his eyes with his pyjama sleeve. Jimin smiled as he looked at Hoseok.

"Aww, did the movie make you cry?" Hoseok shook his head, even though it was pretty obvious the movie had indeed made him cry. "Aww, my Seokkie's so cute!"

"Sh―Shut up." Hoseok said as he managed to dry his eyes. Jimin moved the laptop off his lap and rolled over so he was on his belly and looking up at Hoseok. He continued to smile, his eyes creasing into two crescents. Hoseok shoved his hand in Jimin's face. "Stop looking at me, you're making me feel uncomfortable."

"I can't help it, you're just too cute." Hoseok made a face. "Still cute." He made a different one. "No matter how many silly faces you pull, you'll still be cute."

"Crying makes me ugly, stop lying." Jimin crawled up and kissed Hoseok's cheek.

"Nah, it doesn't." Jimin rested his head against Hoseok's shoulder and began to play with his hand. "I kind of feel sorry for Taehyung, being stuck in the other room all by himself."

"We can go watch tv with him." Jimin got up and walked over to the wall that separated Taehyung and Hoseok's bedrooms. He knocked on it.

"Hey Taehyung!" He shouted, assuming Taehyung could hear him. "Wanna watch a movie with us?"

"No," came Taehyung's muffled reply through the door, "you two just enjoy your evening together... But not too much, these walls are that thick."

"Do you have earmuffs?"

"No, so don't do too much." Jimin chuckled.

"Don't worry, we weren't going to. Have a good evening, to make up for having to kind of third-wheel I'll make you breakfast tomorrow. Sound good?"

"I expect a buffet."

Jimin chuckled and returned to the bed, hopping in beside Hoseok. He lay there before slowly reaching up and touching Hoseok's red nose.

"You look like Rudolph."

"I hate you." Hoseok muttered and got settled in the bed beside Jimin. They lay there, staring at each other quietly.

"I think we should get a bunny." Jimin said after the short moment of silence. Hoseok shook his head, which made Jimin pout.

"We have Jungkook."


"It might scratch me." Jimin huffed.


"What if it poops in the house?"

"A baby?" Hoseok's eyes widened, not realising Jimin was just joking.

"That's, like, all of those pets combined... We can't get one of them!" Jimin started to laugh, trying and failing to stifle it.

"I was kidding, jeez. I'm not ready for that sort of thing, I don't want to be a daddy yet."

"Pretty sure you already are." Hoseok muttered, rolling his eyes.

"What was that?"

"I said, I'm pretty sure you're already a daddy." Jimin was silent for a few seconds as he started at Hoseok, a small frown on his face.

"Hoseok, is there something you're not telling me?" He asked. "Are you pregnant?"

Hoseok just face-palmed and sighed, shaking his head. Jimin sighed in relief, which made Hoseok chuckle and hug Jimin.

"Please don't ever change."

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