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Hoseok looked up as Jimin barged into the cafe, red faced and sweaty. He was panting heavily, looking as though he'd just run a marathon or something. The cafe fell silent, everyone staring at him. He ignored them, rushing through to the back room so he could get changed into his work uniform. Hoseok looked back down at the book he'd been reading.

A few minutes later, Jimin was at Hoseok's table. He stood there, smiling and still panting a little.

"I'm going to go get everyone's orders, I'll be back in a sec." He said, and Hoseok nodded. Jimin ran off again and Hoseok returned to his book.

Jimin returned a bit later, after he'd gotten everyone else their drinks and made Hoseok his surprise one. Hoseok put his book down, smiling as Jimin placed the drink in front of him and then sat down in the spare seat with a sigh. He looked tired.

"Why were you in such a rush?" Hoseok asked as he blew on the drink, wanting it to be not scalding hot when he drank it. Jimin just smiled. "This is good too."

"Good. And I was dancing, but I didn't realise what the time is ― you know how sometimes you just lose track of the time? ― but anyway, at some point I just looked up and realised that it was almost time for work and I sprinted all the way here. Didn't even wash or change."

"That explains the smell." Hoseok teased. Jimin chuckled, but then sighed and slumped in the chair. He closed his eyes. "I enjoyed hanging out on the weekend." Jimin opened his eyes again.

"You did? That's good." Jimin yawned. "Do you dance?"

"No, I paint. That's all I do."

"You should come dance with me some time."

Hoseok shrugged as he turned his cup on the table. "Maybe. I'm probably not good at it, but maybe."

"Aw, that's what they all say."

While Hoseok's first attempt at dancing had been far from perfect, Jimin assured him he was better than most people. He walked out of the session tired, understanding why Jimin looked so tired at the cafe the other day. But, he felt happy, and that distracted him from the tiredness.

"Seokkie, you should dance more often." Jimin said as they headed back to his apartment. He put his arm around Hoseok's shoulders, patting him. "It's fun." Hoseok smiled and nodded. "Plus, you're not so bad, with practise you'll be even better."

"I'd like to." Hoseok said quietly. This made Jimin's smile grow.

"Good. Because we're going to be doing it more often."

Unknown: it's your favourite grump
Unknown: who took your number without asking
Unknown: bc who knows? i might need to check in to see if you're alright

Taehyung was too tired to even try and figure out who this person was. He'd barely got any sleep and his brain wasn't functioning the way it should, if at all. It made trying to figure out who his mysterious texter was even more harder.

Unknown:. . .
Unknown: yo taehyung, if you don't answer i'm gonna get namjoon to drive me to your place at the speed of light and then he'll be sad he got a speeding ticket

Taehyung: who even are you?

Unknown: i am the magnificent min yoongi
Unknown: you know, the guy caring about your wellbeing

After the brief memory jog, Taehyung remembered who it was and sighed. He took a minute to close his eyes and get a nano nap before he put Yoongi in his contacts. He figured he might need the number in there for future occasions. He then put his phone back down and returned to napping, ignoring the constant buzz of his phone.

A couple of minutes later, he heard the front door slam open and someone suddenly running through the house. He kept his eyes shut, figuring it was probably just Hoseok forgetting something before he went wherever it was he always went.

"Put me down on the couch." Yoongi told Namjoon, who had obediently carried him all the way from the car up to this house. Namjoon nodded and placed Yoongi on the couch. Yoongi sat there for a few seconds, frowning. He then took a deep breath. "Taehyung, don't you ignore me! I know you're here!"

Another door slammed open, this time Taehyung's bedroom, and Yoongi and Namjoon looked over at it. Taehyung stood there, looking annoyed at Yoongi. Namjoon's eyes widened.

"Y-Y-You know there's some-something I just remembered I needed to do." Namjoon said quickly, refusing to make eye contact with Taehyung. He gulped. "I, uh, I can't stay... Bye. Nice meeting you."

And with that, Namjoon was gone. Taehyung turned his attention to Yoongi.

"What are you doing here? I was napping." He asked, and Yoongi shrugged.

"The boy I like is with the man he loves and I'm home alone. I've already painted the boy and I don't want to seem too obsessed by painting too many pictures of him, you know what I mean?" Taehyung didn't know what he meant, but he decided not to say anything. "And I'm a lonely person so I haven't got many friends and I thought hey, Taehyung seemed pretty lonely. Let's go hang out with him and grace him with my presence. And that is what I'm doing here."

Taehyung sighed, turning around and heading back into his bedroom to continue his nap.

I was watching this really over the top and strange j-drama while I wrote this and that is what I blame for this chapter.

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