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Yoongi sat quietly as Jungkook cried in his arms, feeling rather concerned for the younger boy. As far as he could tell, this was Jungkook's first break-up, and he seemed to like Seokjin quite a bit. Despite having asked for pizza, Jungkook hadn't eaten a single slice.

"It'll be alright, Jungkook..." Yoongi said, patting Jungkook's shoulder rather awkwardly.

"It won't be alright. Seokjin hyung's going to get a new boyfriend and he'll forget about me. He said so himself!" Jungkook held on to Yoongi's jumper, wetting his shoulder with his tears. "It'll never be alright, I love him, hyung. Why did he leave me?"

"I'm sure Seokjin hyung probably had a good reason for it... I think he loved you too, so he wouldn't do it unless he felt it was the best option." Jungkook started to cry harder and Yoongi sighed, really not sure what he was doing. He wasn't Namjoon, he couldn't spout some philosophical nonsense that confused the other person so much they forgot what they were crying about. Yoongi was Yoongi, obviously, and that meant he wasn't much of a people person and really had no clue how to help a heartbroken person.

"I can't live without him."

"Now I think you're just being melodramatic." Yoongi said, before realising a comment like that wasn't going to help Jungkook at all. Jungkook looked up at him, wiping his eyes as he frowned.

"I'm being what?"

"Melodramatic, exaggerating, overemotional. You can live without Seokjin hyung, and we both now that." Jungkook sniffed, still frowning. "The only way you wouldn't be able to live without a person is if they were going to give you some organ transplant, and without it you'd die. Something you can't live without, however, is food. And speaking of food, eat some pizza before it gets cold."

Jungkook opened his mouth to respond, and Yoongi used this opportunity to shove a slice of pizza into his mouth. Jungkook almost choked on it, coughing as he struggled to eat what Yoongi was force-feeding him.

"You know what I do when I'm sad?" Yoongi asked as Jungkook finished the slice of pizza he'd been made to eat. His cheeks had dried, but they now felt weird where the tears had dried on his skin, and now all he felt was thirst. He was really thirsty. He grabbed the bottle of fizzy drink that came with the pizza and started to drink some, taking large gulps until he began to cough. The bubbles hurt his throat.

"What do you do, hyung?" Jungkook asked as he coughed. His response was almost incomprehensible due to the coughing, but lucky for Yoongi he was able to understand him. "Eat pizza and ice cream?"

"Well, that too, but it wasn't what I was going to say." Jungkook put the bottle back down, rubbing his chest. "I like to play video games. Shooting little animated people is a good way to relieve stress."

"Where do you even play video games? You don't have a console or anything..." Yoongi sighed and got up, gesturing for Jungkook to follow him. He walked to the other end of the house, going into a room Jungkook had never even been bothered to explore. Jungkook had been living in the house for a couple of months now, and not once had he even looked in this room.

The room was dark, even with the light on. That was probably because the walls were painted dark, and heavy curtains covered the windows. In one side of the room was a microphone and keyboard, in the middle were a bunch of discarded easels and on the other end was a large television (presumably bought buy Namjoon) and a mess of cords that connected to an Wii and X-box. There was computer on a desk next to it, and a bookshelf filled with games.

And yet, despite all this, the first thing Jungkook said was, "that's a fire hazard," as he pointed at all the cords. Yoongi shrugged.

"The house is insured."

"I don't think that's how it works, hyung." Jungkook said as he followed Yoongi to the couch situated in front of the television. He vowed that later he would sneak in here and clean up everything, as he had with most of the house. "I don't know how I didn't notice this room..."

"You didn't notice because you're an idiot." Yoongi shrugged, picking up one of the controllers for the X-Box and handing it to Jungkook. He picked up the next one for himself. "If we play some mindless shooting game first, you can release out all your emotions through that. Then we can do whatever."

The pair ended up doing exactly that; they played the game that was still in the disc from when Yoongi felt the need to release his emotions, fighting the enemy until Yoongi got annoyed with how good Jungkook was for someone who hadn't even realised the game existed and shot him in the back. This started a war between the two and, as the bots ran around trying to defeat the enemy and the enemy shot at them, Jungkook and Yoongi tried to beat the other and kill each other.

As they played their little game within a game, Jungkook began to laugh and forget all about how he'd just been dumped. He focussed more on defeating the laughing man next to him. By the end of the game, their throats hurt from shouting and they were both pretty sure the neighbours probably hated them.

They left the room, and Jungkook realised it had gotten dark while they'd played. He'd lost track of time in the dark little games room.

"We should play together more often." Yoongi said, patting Jungkook on the shoulder. "You're pretty good at it."

"Thanks, hyung." Jungkook smiled at him. "For saying that and... For making me feel better."

"It's no problem, Jungkook, that's what friends are for." Yoongi yawned loudly. "I'm going to go to bed now. If there's a storm or something, you know where to find me. Even if you just wake up in the middle of the night and want someone's shoulder to cry on over Seokjin hyung, just wake me up."

"That's easier said than done..."

I miss my Wii...

How long's an acceptable mourning period after a break-up before you move on?

And I just realised, I don't actually have any plan past when Yoonkook get together, except that they have to do it at some point...

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