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"What's your boyfriend like?" Yoongi asked over breakfast in an effort to make conversation and get to know his housemate better. Jungkook quickly swallowed his food so he could respond, almost choking on a few grains of rice.

"He's nice." He said, still slightly trying to swallow the rice. "He's cute, I guess. He's really obsessed with Disney Princesses, Mario and pink and sometimes he gets really excited and it's all really cute." Jungkook began to smile as he thought about Seokjin.

"So he's gay." Yoongi said, making Jungkook frown in confusion.

"Well, yeah.. I thought that was obvious.. You didn't think I was a girl, did you?"

"No, I just mean, he's not doing anything to break the stereotype." Yoongi said, eating some of his food. "I knew you were a guy, I'm not blind. You may be a pretty boy but you're not that pretty."

"Right.. well, do you have a boyfriend, or a girlfriend?"

"No." Yoongi responded, looking down at his food and quickly shovelling some into his mouth so he couldn't respond any further. Jungkook got the hint and they continued to eat their food in silence. Once he'd finished, Jungkook got up and continued to get ready for school.

"I'll be back after school, bye!" Jungkook called out as he ran out the door. Yoongi stared at the door before it closed and grabbed his phone and headphones, putting the music on. He sighed as he stared at the blank canvas, waiting for ideas to come to him. He'd tried going out and searching inspiration, it hadn't worked. So now he was going to wait for it to come to him.

The door suddenly slammed open and a rushed looking Jungkook stood panting at the door. His hair was all over the place and his cheeks were flushed red, and he frowned as he looked around the room. Without even acknowledging Yoongi, he rushed into his bedroom and grabbed a book before running out of the house again. Yoongi watched him the whole time, before sighing and staring at the blank canvas again.

Nope, still nothing.


Hoseok was sitting in a warm cafe, sketching the face he knew off by heart in his little sketchbook. With Taehyung being his best friend and the subject for every single one of his paintings, Hoseok had begun to memorise every one of his expressions and every little bit of detail on his face.

"He's cute." A man said behind Hoseok, making him jump and almost wreck the sketch. He looked up at the man, who was dressed in the black and white uniform of the cafe, and sighed. The man smiled, his eyes turning into two crescents. "I'm Jimin, your waiter and barista. You're a new customer, so welcome to The Thirsty Artist."

"Thanks. Can I just get a latte?" Hoseok asked and Jimin nodded, writing it down in his little notepad. Hoseok stared back down at his sketch and sighed at the unfinished Taehyung. Jimin stared at him for a few seconds before leaning closer, looking at the sketch over his shoulder.

"What's the matter? Something wrong with the sketch?" Jimin asked, looking at Hoseok. Hoseok sighed again, shaking his head. He looked up at Jimin, before realising how close their faces were and looked back away.

"It's nothing, I'm just tired."

"Dependency on caffeine isn't great, but it could fix your tiredness." Jimin shrugged as he put his notepad in his apron pocket and stood up. "I'll bring you your drink when it's ready."


When Jimin returned, he came bearing gifts. In one hand, he had the latte he'd made Hoseok, complete with a smiley face in the froth made form syrup, and in the other he had a fancy looking cupcake. He placed the two of them down in front of Hoseok, careful not to spill anything on the open sketchbook and smiled down at Hoseok. He then looked at the drawing of Taehyung, which had developed since he'd last been there.

"He's gotten cuter." Jimin said, putting his hands in the apron pocket. "Is he your boyfriend?"

"Just a friend. What's the cake for?"

"Oh, compliments of the chef." Jimin said, his ever present smile growing. "I'm not the chef, and I didn't ask him, but he would have given it to you. 'Cause here at The Thirsty Artist, customer happiness and satisfaction is our main priority, and you don't look so happy. But tell me if you've got any allergies, so I can change the cake if it's going to kill you or something."

"No, I'm fine. And thanks." Hoseok smiled up at Jimin.

"No problem, anything to cheer a customer up. What'd you say your name was?"

"I didn't, but it's Jung Hoseok."

"Well, Jung Hoseok, I hope to see you 'round. And see more of your art." Hoseok nodded and continued to smile as Jimin went off to serve other customers, watching the waiter before looking down at his food and drink. He took a sip from the latte and sighed happily, licking the froth from the top of his lip and looking out the window.

He continued to smile as he enjoyed his drink and cake, which was a very good cake, and occasionally he'd look over and watch Jimin serving the other customers. And even more occasionally, Jimin would look back, smile, and wave.

The whole time I've been writing this I've just been thinking of role-playing and stuff like that and on a completely unrelated note I'm, like, mildly considering doing it again.
But at the same time, I really don't wanna. Eh.

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