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"Draw me like one of your French girls." Jungkook said as he plonked himself down on the opposite side of the kotatsu. Yoongi frowned at Jungkook.

"What French girls? I don't have any French girls..." This made Jungkook sigh, his attempt at a joke clearly wasted on Yoongi. "And if I did, why would I draw you like one of them?"

"Because... You know what, don't worry." Jungkook said and he pulled his books from his bag, beginning his homework. Yoongi grabbed his iPad and turned it on, typing some things in before he stared at the screen. He was silent as his frown grew and he scrolled down his iPad.

"You want me to draw you naked?" He asked when he looked up at Jungkook. Jungkook stared at him blankly, not sure what he was talking about at first. He then realised Yoongi had googled the French girls and shook his head.

"No, I don't want you to draw me like that... It was just something from Titanic." Yoongi continued to frown.

"That's that movie with the big ship, right? The one that sunk."

"You don't know what Titanic is??" Jungkook exclaimed, his loudness taking Yoongi by surprise. He hadn't expected Titanic to mean so much to Jungkook.

"I mean, I know it's the ship... I've just never watched it."

"We need to go hire it! And call Namjoon! This is unacceptable!" Jungkook continued as he got to his feet and went to go find his phone. Yoongi just sat there, not really sure what he'd done.

Yoongi frowned as he focussed on the movie, leaning further against the arm of the chair. Namjoon sat awkwardly in between the two, having been forced to stay and sit in the exact spot by Yoongi. He tried to watch the movie, but it wasn't that exciting. Plus he'd seen it before.

"I just remembered there's something I..." Namjoon said as he went to stand up, before Yoongi grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back down. Namjoon sighed, realising he was probably going to be stuck there for a while. He tried to get comfortable, pretty sure he was going to fall asleep during this movie.

"You need to watch this with me, it might be important in the future." Yoongi said as a cover up for the fact he didn't want to be too close to Jungkook.

"You want me to buy you a Titanic?"


"You know you've got to go out sometime." Hoseok said as he stood at Taehyung's door. He rarely tried to force Taehyung to do anything, figuring he had enough things to deal with without the added pressure from his only friend, but he was beginning to get worried. Taehyung was growing pale from the lack of sun, Hoseok rarely saw him eat and was pretty sure that he wasn't eating healthy and he never saw a smile on his face anymore. He was beginning to forget what Taehyung's smile even looked like, and relied on pictures to remind him. "You've got to do something with your life."

"What is life?" Taehyung responded, staring blankly at his ceiling. Hoseok was silent, not quite sure how to respond to that. He could look up the definition of life, if that's what Taehyung wanted. But Hoseok figured that wasn't the case. "And I'll go out tomorrow.. if it's not raining. I don't want to catch a cold."

"Taehyung, we watched the weather on the news today. You and I both know that it'll be raining tomorrow."

"They might be lying, people lie sometimes." Hoseok sighed, giving up. This was the other reason why he didn't try talking to Taehyung about his problems, it just worsened both their moods.

"I'm going out later, I'm going to meet up with one of my friends." Hoseok said, changing the subject. "There's leftovers in the fridge you can just heat up."


"Please eat them, you need to eat." Hoseok added before leaving, closing the door behind him. Taehyung lay there, continuing to stare at the white ceiling.

To be honest, I just wanted an excuse to use a Leonardo DiCaprio gif...

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