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After a night of research and experimentation, Jimin arrived to work with a whole bunch of new recipes under his belt. He felt satisfied with himself, and incredibly tired but that didn't matter as much because now he could make some more decent drinks to surprise Hoseok with. He hoped.

That was the problem. Hoseok somehow managed to make Jimin lose all his confidence, and doubt all the talents he knew he had. He desired to please and impress Hoseok, but doubted his abilities to do so. He fretted each time Hoseok took a sip of his latte, despite his relaxed appearance. It had to be perfect, Hoseok had to like it, or it just wasn't good enough for Jimin.

The usual worker was sick again, so Seokjin came in with Jimin. He'd been kept up all night by Jimin, and now felt just as tired as Jimin, if not more because he didn't have to motivation of Hoseok. He trudged up to the counter and began setting up, preparing the small cafe for opening. He yawned loudly, feeling it was probably a bad thing that he was already this tired and the day hadn't even started yet. His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it out. He smiled as he read the message.

Kookie : have a good day at work!!!! i love you ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

"Aw, he's a little cutie." Jimin said as he peered over Seokjin's shoulder. Seokjin smiled at him, nodding as he agreed with him.

"My little Jungkookie is a cutie." Seokjin sighed happily as he typed a quick response and put his phone back in his pocket. "I'm glad he's mine."

"How'd you two meet?" Jimin asked as he put his apron on over his head. Seokjin's smile grew as he thought back to it. Jimin leaned against the counter, preparing himself for story time.

"Well, he didn't ― and I'm pretty sure doesn't ― remember it but when he was in year seven, I was his buddy and I showed him around the school. He was all cute and shy but I think the whole changing schools was that much of a shock to him that he barely took in anything and forgot about me straight after." Seokjin shrugged, while Jimin just chuckled. "We met a couple of years later, when he gave me a rose and chocolate. I mean, it wasn't that big a thing given I got a decent amount each year―"

"Not that big a thing?? Didn't you go to a boys' school?" Seokjin nodded. "Dude, I'd find it a big thing even if I did get heaps each year... You went to a boys' school."

Seokjin shrugged. "Anyway, so he gave me this rose and chocolate and normally I wouldn't have thought anything of it, I would've just eaten to chocolate or given it to one of my friends if I was feeling sick and they missed out and the rose would have wilted, but I recognised Jungkook and thought he looked really cute. Pinked face Jungkook is so cute. But anyway, I accepted them, properly enjoyed the chocolates and cherished the rose. And we became friends not long after, all while my small crush on this boy is growing stronger and stronger with each little thing he's doing until I can't take it anymore and literally shout my confession for him... in the library... during a study period."

"Wow... you're lucky he accepted it, or all that embarrassment would have been for nothing." Seokjin chuckled, covering his mouth with his hands as his cheeks grew pink, remembering that moment.

"He didn't accept it. In fact, he ran out of the library all freaked out and I had to chase after him." Seokjin covered his hands with embarrassment from the memory, sighed, and then continued going. Jimin just laughed at him. "I chased after him and may or may not have made him cry... unintentionally, but I accidentally overwhelmed him and he freaked... I mean, he accepted me after he'd thought it through and calmed down, which is good."

"Well... Okay then." Jimin said, still laughing at Seokjin's story. Seokjin just smiled, feeling both fond of the memory and the extreme amount of embarrassment he'd felt on the day. "But have you guys ever.. done it?"

Seokjin's eyes widened and he quickly started shaking his head. "Jungkook and I have never even kissed, not properly. We've only ever kissed each other on the cheek or forehead, never the lips."

"But aren't you curious about how soft his lips are, how tasty they are..." Jimin said, making kissy lips. Seokjin just glared at him, shoving his bunched up apron into Jimin's face.

"Of course I am, doesn't mean I'm just going to kiss him without making sure he's ready. Now come on, we've got a shop to run."

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