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Yoongi and Jungkook sat on the couch, leaning against each other with their heads touching as they stared blankly at the movie playing on the television. Occasionally, one of them would lazily pick up some popcorn and either feed it to the other or eat it themselves.

They were having a lazy day as Jungkook continued to mourn his break-up and Yoongi mourned the fact that although Jungkook was now free, he still wasn't completely free. And that even though he desperately wanted to celebrate the break-up and kiss Jungkook rather passionately, he had to pretend to be the comforting friend and listen as Jungkook friendzoned him over and over as he told him he was so grateful to have a friend like him.

"Wanna go do something?" Yoongi asked as the credits started playing. Jungkook sighed and shook his head.

"No." He sounded so sad that Yoongi just huffed and sat up. Without the support of Yoongi, Jungkook fell down and landed in Yoongi's lap. He scrabbled back up and frowned at Yoongi.

"Jungkook, you need to stop moping. As someone who cares deeply for you, it's killing me to watch you look so depressed." Yoongi placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Please, I know it's hard, but you need to move on. Seokjin hyung broke up with you because he felt it was the best thing to do, I've spoken to him. He said there were better people out there for you, and all he really wanted was for you to be happy. Don't let his sacrifice be in vain."

"But I can't be happy without Seokjin hyung." Yoongi sighed, leaning closer to make sure Jungkook was looking him in the eye.

"Jungkook, I don't know how many weeks it's been since the break-up-"


"Right, it's been two weeks since he broke up with you and you're still acting like he did it just then. There were weeks when you didn't even call him back when you were dating, and you still managed to be happy. It's really no different except now you're single." Yoongi fell silent as he struggled to figure out what to say next. His face grew blank as Jungkook rested his head against Yoongi's shoulder. His fingers played with Yoongi's button and he sniffed.

"Seokjin hyung thought you were better for me." Jungkook said quietly. Yoongi gulped. "That's why he broke up with me, because he wanted me to be with you."

"Uh- well, I guess... That's really something you've got to decide for yourself. I can't- Seokjin can't, decide who you move on to." Yoongi said quickly, not even sure what he was trying to say. Jungkook wrapped his arms around him, turning his head so his face was buried into his neck.

"Even when I was with Seokjin hyung, sometimes I'd get this funny little feeling like when I first met Seokjin hyung when I thought of you. Like I'd just eaten some food that had gone bad." Jungkook said quietly and quickly. It was hard for Yoongi to keep up with him. "I still don't even quite understand what it is, but I felt it when I was with Seokjin hyung and I love - loved - him so it's gotta be some sort of sign."

"Are you sure you didn't just eat something funny?" Jungkook chuckled.

"Do you feel funny too, hyung? Because all I've eaten is the popcorn."

"I-I'm feeling something, I don't quite know what it is but it's definitely kind of funny. Maybe it was the popcorn." Jungkook moved away, frowning at Yoongi.

"Hyung, do you like me?" Yoongi went to answer, before his words caught in his throat and he just nodded. "Well I like you too, so how hard can it be?"

"Maybe we should take things a bit slower, you're recovering from a break-up. You might just be lonely and wanting a rebound." Yoongi wasn't quite sure why he was trying to get himself out of the thing he'd been wanting so bad, but that's what he was doing.

"One date. Let's go on one date, as a trial couple." Jungkook said, raising one finger as he looked at Yoongi intently.

"Right. One date, we'll see where things go from there."

Yoongi then sighed, really wishing Jungkook didn't make him so flustered so easily.

I've written the epilogue and the start of two of the possible three bonus chapters, so I reckon there's one or two chapters left of this (excluding the ones I just mentioned). I don't care if it seems rushed or anything anymore, I'm just looking forward to the end...(I kinda wanna just finish this story before the proper start of my hiatus)

Why does this always happen nearer to the end of the stories??

But I'm excited for the epilogue and one of the bonus chapters.

Also, there was going to be one of those character asks at the end... I dunno if I should do it still, we'll see.

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