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"Hyung, have some more cake."

"No thanks."

"Hyung, are you enjoying the movie?"

"It's nice."

"Hyung, what's your favourite type of cake?"

"The one that tastes nice."

"Hyung, are you okay?" Yoongi blinked, looking at Jungkook blankly for a few seconds. He then nodded, his face still blank. Jungkook frowned. "Are you sure?"

"I think I'd know if I was okay or not." Jungkook shrugged, sighed, and looked back at the television. Yoongi settled back down and stared at the television, though the only thing he was focussing on was the memory of Seokjin and Jungkook kissing, which was playing over and over in his head. Jungkook took a quick intake of breath and Yoongi knew he was about to say something again.

"You'd tell me if something was wrong, right?" Jungkook asked, looking back at Yoongi. Once again, Yoongi was silent for a few seconds before he nodded.

"Yes." This seemed to satisfy Jungkook for the moment and he returned his attention once again to the movie. Yoongi got comfortable again, and silence fell over the pair. Jungkook ate some of his slice of cake, his spoon clinking against the plate. Yoongi glanced at him through the corner of his eye, watching as he lifted the spoon to his mouth and ate the chocolate cake. He pulled the spoon from his mouth slowly, before his tongue darted out and licked his lips. Yoongi quickly looked away. The spoon clinked against the plate.

At the end of the movie, Jungkook yawned loudly. This triggered Yoongi, who also yawned, Both of them were beginning to feel tired, but this was probably because it was getting close to midnight and both had had a relatively draining day ― Yoongi emotionally and Jungkook physically. Yoongi began packing up their things, taking Jungkook's plate before he could say anything and taking all of them into the kitchen. When he returned, Jungkook had packed up the rest of the things in the lounge room and the television was now off. Jungkook smiled at him and Yoongi forced a smile back.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Jungkook asked as they headed back to their bedrooms.

"Sleeping, painting, who knows." Yoongi shrugged. He then went to enter the room, before pausing at the door. He looked at Jungkook and smiled, a smile which was more genuine this time. "I'm glad you answered that advertisement, Jungkook."

"I'm glad I did too." Jungkook smiled back, and Yoongi yawned. He said an almost incomprehensible good-night and waved lazily, entering his bedroom. He closed the door and took a few steps before collapsing onto the bed. He didn't bother to get changed or even get in the bed properly. He just lay there, his face buried in his doona. He sighed, thinking about the boy who was undoubtedly getting changed into his cute little pyjamas and hopping under the covers Seokjin had bought him and hopefully have sweet dreams. This made him groan and reach up to hit his head.

He continued to lay there until he eventually fell asleep. And even then he couldn't escape Jungkook, who haunted his dreams with things that could be but never will be.

Jungkook woke with a thump. He hadn't caused the thump, he knew that much, but it had woken him up and come from the room next door. This was followed by a muffled groan from Yoongi. Jungkook then decided to get out of bed and go see what had caused this thump.

The cause was Yoongi, falling out of bed. Jungkook sighed as he stared at him, still dressed in the clothes from yesterday. He was tangled in the doona and blankets, lying on the floor. Despite having groaned, Yoongi had fallen back to sleep not long after. Jungkook smiled as he stared at him, before stepping closer.

He reached down to pick Yoongi and all his blankets up, struggling to put him back onto the bed. While Yoongi himself wasn't that heavy (sure he was a little heavy but nothing the great Jeon Jungkook couldn't handle), the position he was in combined with all the blankets made it difficult. And Jungkook still hadn't figured out how much of a heavy sleeper Yoongi was and was still trying not to wake him.

With a small bit of struggle, Jungkook managed to get Yoongi lying in his bed properly, all nice and tucked in. He smiled as he stared down at the sleeping Yoongi, before he was distracted by the messy room he was rarely allowed in. His smile then turned into a frown, and sighed.

Jungkook wasn't quite sure what had come over him, but staring at the room had suddenly filled him with the desire to tidy it up a bit. And that is what he did. As Yoongi continued to sleep relatively peacefully, Jungkook cleaned up Yoongi's room with a determination he hadn't even known he possessed.

By the time Yoongi woke up, Jungkook had finished and had gone out. The only reason Yoongi knew this was because Jungkook wasn't in the house and he'd left a note on the table saying exactly that. He'd also cooked some breakfast for Yoongi and left it in the microwave, which had made Yoongi wonder how long he'd been asleep for.

Ten o'clock. Yoongi didn't think it was that late, but Jungkook seemed to like to get up earlier so that was probably why. Still, Yoongi felt bad that he'd slept through it all. It wasn't his fault he'd been having a really good dream and hadn't wanted to wake from it. And he also just really enjoyed sleeping.

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