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Jimin looked as Hoseok stood panting in the centre of the room, his skin sparkling with sweat and his cheeks flushed. He chucked a towel at Hoseok, who instantly started dabbing the sweat off of him. Jimin smiled at him.

"You're getting better." Jimin said as he walked over to Hoseok. "Loads better, soon you'll be better than me."

"I doubt it."

"I'm certain, it's like you're a natural at everything!" Jimin chuckled. "Should we do one last dance and then call it a day?"

Hoseok nodded and Jimin took their towels, and headed back over to the music player. He scrolled through the music on his phone and chose a song. Hoseok watched him expectantly, waiting for some signal to start dancing.

As the music played, the two started to dance together. Hoseok mimicked the moves Jimin had taught him, watching him as Jimin danced. He did his best to copy Jimin's moves to his best ability. Their bodies moved together and Jimin couldn't help but watch Hoseok in the mirror with pride. Hoseok had progressed quicker than most beginners and just watching him dance made Jimin happy.

The music ended and Jimin clapped his hands happily. He hugged Hoseok, jumping up and down excitedly.

"Seokkie, you're so good at dancing." Jimin said, not letting go of Hoseok as he looked at him. Hoseok smiled, his chest heaving and pressing against Jimin's as he panted. Jimin chuckled, nervously giving Hoseok a kiss on the cheek. "That's for being such a good dancer."

Hoseok continued to stand there, touching his cheek as Jimin packed up their things. He smiled slightly.

"I need to get amazing at dancing." He muttered to himself.


"Yoongi, why don't you just tell the boy how you feel? Surely painting away your feelings isn't going to do anything." Namjoon said as Yoongi gave him yet another painting of Jungkook. Despite Jungkook's smiling face, the painting was darker and sadder. Yoongi just sighed.

"Because he's got a boyfriend he loves. Love, Namjoon, love. I can't compete with that." Yoongi shrugged as he put his hands in his pockets. "I don't want to ruin two relationships just because I can't keep control of my emotions."

"Two relationships?" Yoongi nodded.

"It'd ruin Jungkook and my friendship, and who knows what it might do to his and Seokjin's relationship. I don't want to have that sort of guilt." Namjoon looked sadly down at his friend. "And besides, I don't even know what it is. It could just be gratitude for him helping me find inspiration, or just that inspiration... It's been so long I can't even remember what it feels like."

"I don't think it's-" Yoongi cut Namjoon off by covering his hand with his mouth.

"Don't say it might not be, I don't want it to be a possibility. It'll hurt more if it is." Yoongi slowly removed his hand from Namjoon's mouth, wiping it on his pants. "I'm going to go home now. Thanks for, everything. I'll call you if we need pizza."

"I think you need pizza."

"Nah, I'm watching my weight." Yoongi forced a smile. "I'm kidding, I just don't need pizza right now. We'll see."

Namjoon sighed and nodded. "I guess we will."

Everyone's just kissing on the cheek... It's annoying

 It's annoying

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