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Jungkook frowned as he sat hunched over the cluttered coffee table as he tried to do his homework, staring at the equation with a blank expression. He really had no idea what to do, and this hadn't changed for the past twenty minutes he'd been trying to solve it. Yoongi sat in one of the corners of the room, staring as blankly as his canvas. He chewed on his top lip, his paintbrush poised against the canvas as though he excepted some idea to come to him. This had been his position for almost the whole day, and his body was starting to complain.

"I want a kotatsu." Yoongi said as he sat there, making Jungkook look up from his homework. At this point, anything was a welcome distraction from homework, even talking to Yoongi about Japanese tables.

"Why?" Yoongi shrugged, moving his hand up and creating a thin, faded line of paint up the canvas with the few bits of paint on his paintbrush that weren't dried. He sighed as he stared at it.

"Because it's, like, a heated table. You can eat and sleep under it."

"Doesn't sound very comfortable." Yoongi shrugged again and put the paintbrush down, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out his phone and hit a button, bringing it up to his ear. Jungkook watched as he was silent for a few moments, waiting for whoever was being called to pick up.

"Namjoon, I want a kotatsu. And pizza." Yoongi said and he hung up the phone, putting it back in his pocket. Jungkook stared at him for a few more seconds. Noticing Jungkook's mild confusion, Yoongi looked at him and smiled. "He's kind of like my sugar daddy, except without the sex.. Or daddy kink.. Or sugar.. He buys me things."


"Because he doesn't want me getting sad and stuff because humanities incredibly materialistic and we need possessions and money to feel happy." Jungkook's confusion was only growing. "I don't know, it's probably something he'd say."

"Can you paint me?" Jungkook asked, deciding to change the subject because he was just growing more confused with the current one.

"Probably.. It probably won't be very good." Yoongi said, figuring he had nothing better to do or paint. It wasn't like it was going to be a success or anything, nothing was these days. "Just pose, or whatever."

"My back is hurting." Jungkook said, making Yoongi sigh and roll his eyes. He sat up straighter, stretching and cracking his back before resuming his previous position. Jungkook glared at him, figuring he'd done it on purpose. As subtly as he could, Jungkook tried to stretch his own back.

"You moved." Yoongi noted when he glanced back at Jungkook, though Jungkook was sure he'd barely even moved. He'd moved a couple of millimetres, if that. "You've ruined the whole painting."

"I'm sure it's not that bad.." Jungkook said as he attempted to see the canvas without moving his body any more than he already had.

"Your body moved, it's ruined the painting."

"My body isn't even in the painting!" Jungkook exclaimed when he managed to catch a glimpse of the painting.

"Your body moving moved your head, which ruined the painting."

"How much longer is this going to take?" Jungkook whined, although he preferred doing this to the homework that was waiting for him. Yoongi huffed and put his paintbrush down.

"Done. Happy?" Jungkook quickly got up and rushed over to the painting, his eyes widening as he stared at it. He didn't know what Yoongi was going on about all the time, because he thought the painting, as well as all the other ones that littered the house, was amazing.

"Wow! It's so good. Can I keep it?" Yoongi shrugged, not really caring for the painting that much, and Jungkook smiled at him. The smell of pizza filled the room and the pair looked up quickly, instantly spotting Namjoon standing at the door with a box of pizza in his hand.

"The kotatsu might be a bit hard to buy, but I bought you pizza."

I want Namjoon to buy them a kotatsu
I want a kotatsu

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