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Taehyung found himself alone and lonely, while Hoseok was out somewhere. He sighed, deciding he'd prefer to go hang out with his potentially ― and hopefully ― new friend than mope around all day. He slowly got out of bed, hurrying to the shower before he got too cold and began making him presentable for society. Soon he was ready and he left the house, locking up and heading over to the art gallery. He just hoped Yoongi hadn't called Namjoon and Namjoon wasn't there.

Luckily, Namjoon was there, sorting some paintings out as he wandered around the gallery. Taehyung cleared his throat as he approached him, making Namjoon jump. He smiled when he saw Taehyung.

"You came back." He said as though he hadn't expected Taehyung to. And he hadn't, he couldn't see why someone like Taehyung would hang out with Namjoon. He was so much better than him. Taehyung smiled awkwardly, although most of it was hidden by the large scarf wrapped around his neck. "Do you want pizza? Is that why you're here?"

"No, I just want company. I ate before coming here." While that was a lie, Taehyung didn't want Namjoon to think he was just using him for the free food. He also didn't like the idea of someone he barely knew spending money on him. Namjoon's smile grew.

"Well, uh, if you just let me put these away... I can keep you company." Namjoon said, lifting the paintings in his hands. Taehyung nodded. "If you don't mind the mess, you can come upstairs rather than hanging around in the shop."

"I don't mind."

Despite what Namjoon had said, his house was not a mess. In fact, it was cleaner than Taehyung and Hoseok's house on a clean day. Everything was neatly organised and in its place. It made Taehyung feel self conscious about a place Namjoon had only been in once.

"Are you sure you don't want anything to eat? Maybe something to drink?" Namjoon asked, trying to be the best host he could be. Taehyung shook his head, smiling slightly. "J-Just make yourself at home then, sit down somewhere... What- What do you want to do?"

"I don't know, don't mind." Taehyung said, sitting himself down on the couch. He watched as Namjoon rushed around, moving books around as he tried to 'tidy' the place and put off having to completely focus on Taehyung.

"Uh, what's your favourite colour?" Namjoon asked as he sat down next to Taehyung. Taehyung shrugged.

"They're all nice." Namjoon nodded slowly as he tried to think of something to say. They both sat awkwardly and, although he thought it was better than staying at home alone, Taehyung question how this guy was apparently such good company. "Is there any sort of food you like?"

"Kalguksu is pretty good. What do you like?"

"Japchae... You know, I know this good restaurant that makes some really good noodles." Taehyung said. "I could shout us, I have some money."

"Oh, I can-" Taehyung shook his head.

"Please, let me consolidate our friendship by buying you lunch. I feel like you'll be buying me plenty of lunches in the future." Namjoon sighed, accepting defeat. Taehyung smiled, getting back up. "Come on, if we go now we should make it by lunch."


"Ah! This is so good!" Namjoon exclaimed half way through his meal, making Taehyung chuckle. Namjoon grinned as he ate another mouthful of his kalguksu, looking rather happy. His happy face improved Taehyung's mood a bit more. "Thank you for buying me lunch."

"It's alright. Like I said, I feel like you'll probably end up buying me plenty of things in the future... Based off how you treat Yoongi hyung, and how eager you seem to be to spend your money." Taehyung shrugged, eating some more japchae.

"True... Still, thank you." A comfortable silence fell over them as they enjoyed the meal. As he sat there, Namjoon couldn't help but be amazed at how the boy he'd fallen in love with through a painting was sitting across the small table from him, eating lunch with him.

He could probably walk outside of this restaurant, get hit by a car and die a happy man right now.

Well, maybe not entirely happy. He still hadn't won Taehyung's heart yet, then he could die a happy man.

We're watching Masterchef and it's just making me hungry...
But I have chips, so it's cool.

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