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Yoongi groaned as a weight jumped on him, forcing him into waking. He opened his eyes slowly, looking up at the way to smiley Jungkook that was on top of him. He frowned.

"I thought I said you couldn't come into my room." He said, sighing and rubbing his eyes as he attempted to sit up. Jungkook moved over so he was sitting on the edge of the bed, still looking too eager for eleven-thirty in the morning.

"Yeah, but you wouldn't wake up when I knocked - and I knocked for ages - so I decided to just come in." Jungkook shrugged.

"Why do you need to wake me up? Is the house on fire?" Yoongi asked as he continued to try and fully wake up. Jungkook shook his head, making Yoongi frown some more. "Then what's the matter?"

"If you don't hurry up, the art gallery'll be closed." Jungkook said, and Yoongi was really no less confused. Probably because he was essentially still sleeping, just with his eyes open. "Come on, we've gotta go look at art and stuff, whatever else it is you do at a gallery."

"What.. Why are we going to an art gallery? It's Saturday, my weekend and my day of rest."

"Every day's the weekend for you, and it's Sunday that's the day of rest-"

"All days are a day of rest." Jungkook sighed and began pulling on Yoongi's wrist. "Jungkook, what're you doing?"

"Trying to lift your fat butt out of bed." Jungkook groaned as he 'struggled' with Yoongi's weight, making Yoongi sigh and rolled his eyes. Yoongi sat there for a few seconds, still blinking sleepily, before he decided to make his life easier. As he pulled the blankets off himself, purposefully chucking them at Jungkook, and stood up, Jungkook realised exactly what Yoongi's sleepwear was. And it wasn't much.

"Oh my God!" Jungkook exclaimed, covering his eyes up again with the blanket. Yoongi stared at him cluelessly, frowning at him as he scratched his bare stomach. All he'd been wearing were his boxers, as he'd gotten hot that night but hadn't want to throw his blankets off him. The rest of his pyjamas were probably bunched somewhere up at the bottom of his bed.


"You're naked!" Yoongi looked down at himself and continued to frown.

"Well, I've got clothes on.."

"My eyes!" Jungkook fell backwards on the bed and Yoongi was only just beginning to question his choice in housemates. Maybe he shouldn't try and befriend them next time.

"You exaggerate a lot.. My chest isn't that bad." Yoongi said as he walked over to his clothes drawers and began going through them for a semi-decent outfit. "And my legs are better than yours." Jungkook made some disbelieving noises as he pulled the blankets off of him again.

"Have you seen these legs?" Jungkook asked, running his hands up his thighs. Yoongi glanced down at them, looking rather unimpressed. He shrugged and continued his searching. "Did you just shrug at my thighs?? Did you― I can't believe this!"

"I can't believe you woke me up at eleven-thirty to compare calves." Yoongi muttered. "I'm going to go have a shower, I expect a full breakfast by the time I get out."

"Bon Appétit." Jungkook said as Yoongi sat down at the table. In front of him, on a plate, was a single piece of toast.. if it could even be called toast. A square-shaped piece of charcoal would be a more accurate description for the 'full breakfast' Jungkook had prepared for him. "There would have been more but Namjoon hyung didn't tell me he couldn't cook toast."

"I can cook toast, just not with this toaster!" Namjoon yelled out from the kitchen.

"Is the house on fire now?" Yoongi asked. All he could smell was smoke, and he wasn't sure if it was because of the toast or because of Namjoon's presence in the kitchen. "Namjoon! How do you even feed yourself?"

"I buy takeout. Are you guys going to be ready to go to the gallery soon?" Namjoon asked as he walked out of the kitchen with a spatula in his hand. Why Namjoon would need a spatula to make toast, Yoongi would never know. He was too afraid to ask. "I've got a job to do and I can't do it if I'm here making you breakfast."

"Well, I'm not sure you're doing that either..." Yoongi said as he lifted up the burnt toast. Namjoon sighed.

"Just eat your food and get ready."

"It still tastes like I ate charcoal." Yoongi said as he ran his tongue across his teeth. Jungkook sighed as they walked through the art gallery.

"Hey, that painting looks nice." Jungkook said, changing the subject and pointing at the large painting in front of them. The pair slowed to a stop, staring up at the painting of a... "It looks like a bird."

"I think it's a giraffe."

"No, it's definitely a bird. Look, there's its wings."

"Don't be stupid, those are leaves. I'm the artist, I should know."

"You don't have to be an artist to be able to tell what a painting is, and I know it's a bird." Jungkook huffed as he pointed at the splashes on the canvas.

"Actually, now that I look at it..." Yoongi squinted his eyes and tilted his head. "It looks more like a horse."

"Let's just look at another one." Jungkook said as he pushed Yoongi away from the painting. They paused in front of another one and stared at this one in silence for a few moments. "Doesn't it just make you feel.. emotions? Passion. Motivation.."

"I'm feeling something, but I'm not sure if it's passion." Yoongi said as he yawned, scratching his head. "You'd better take me out to lunch after this."

"He's cute." Jungkook said as he continued to stare at the painting of the boy. "Don't you thinking?"

"He's alright, I suppose. He looks bored, which I can relate to." Jungkook sighed, his shoulders slumping in visible exaggerated defeat.

"Why are you so grumpy all the time?"

"Because I wouldn't be Min Yoongi if I wasn't." Yoongi replied, making Jungkook sigh again.

"You were happy in that photo." Jungkook pointed out. Yoongi shrugged.

"She hadn't woken me up early and dragged me, against my will, to an art gallery to stare at paintings of giraffes and boys who reflect my mood." Yoongi paused for a moment, thinking. "And I think she'd bought me a neck pillow right before the photo. It was a nice neck pillow."

"If you stop being so negative for the duration of this trip, I will go out and buy a high quality neck pillow for you. And we'll go out wherever you want for lunch after this."

"You've got yourself a deal, my friend."

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