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Jungkook was silent as he stared at the paintings, which just made Yoongi feel even worse as he anticipated Jungkook's eventual response. He expected some form of judgement, as only a weirdo paints someone in secret the way Yoongi had. Yoongi had been embarrassed of the paintings he'd done, worried that the feelings he felt as he painted them and reflected this. It was one of the main reasons he didn't want Jungkook to see, he didn't want Jungkook to know how Yoongi felt.

Yoongi hoped Namjoon had bought an extra large pizza for him.

"Hyung..." Jungkook said after what seemed to be an eternity. Yoongi prepared himself for the judgement, for Jungkook to say he wanted to move out and go back to Seokjin. Jungkook looked at Yoongi, with a smile on his lips. "Why didn't you tell me you were painting again? And that your paintings were exhibition level again?"

Yoongi was silent, unable to answer as his voice caught in his throat. This wasn't what he'd been expecting at all. There was no judgement, no disgust, in Jungkook's face or tone at all. Thankfully, Namjoon overheard and came to Yoongi's rescue. "Yoongi just didn't want to tell you because he wanted to make it a surprise, to say thank you for inspiring him he planned all this as a surprise. There's also a special dinner for you out the back, Yoongi told me what your favourite food was so I could get it set up while he distracted you.

"I did?" Yoongi asked, but luckily Jungkook didn't hear him. Jungkook just stared at Yoongi in amazement, before he squealed happily and hugged Yoongi.

"You're so amazing, hyung. But I don't know why you needed to surprise me or thank me, I didn't even realise I was doing anything..." Yoongi still found it difficult to speak. Had it been an anime, his soul might have floated out of his body and soared into the rainy sky from happiness as sparkles fell around him. But it wasn't an anime and Yoongi was just staring blankly at Jungkook like a weirdo. His whole body tingled from where Jungkook had touched him.

"If you two want to keep looking at the paintings, you can, but the food might get cold..." Namjoon pointed out. "The paintings will still be here when you're finished."

"Let's go get food." Jungkook said, grabbing Yoongi's hand and dragging him off in the direction had gestured at before. While he didn't know where the room was, he figured Yoongi knew and was completely relying on him even though he was the one leading.

They rushed past Seokjin, who briefly glanced at them when they did. He sighed as he stared at the painting of Jungkook, looking sadly up at the painted smiling boy's face. If he hadn't already been feeling insecure, he definitely was now. He was surprised he hadn't already lost Jungkook, given it appeared that he was competing with Yoongi, but he was also grateful he hadn't. He was just going to have to take Jungkook out on an extra big date soon.

Taehyung smiled sadly as he looked at Jimin and Hoseok, who didn't seem to be focusing very much on the art they were surrounded by. They kissed, Jimin's hands cupping both Hoseok's cheeks, before pulling away and giggling. They'd then kiss again, and the process would repeat.

Taehyung then adjusted the platter of bites he was holding and headed over to Namjoon, who was now standing by himself as he watched Yoongi and Jungkook rush off. He held out the platter to Namjoon, offering some food to him.

"Nah, I'm fine." Namjoon said, shaking his head as he smiled at Taehyung.

"You haven't eaten since that morning snack we had. Eat." Namjoon turned down the offer again, so Taehyung picked up one of the snacks and lifted it up the Namjoon's lips. He waited expectantly until Namjoon parted his lips and allowed himself to be fed by Taehyung. Taehyung smiled approvingly, before taking a snack for himself. "Now tell me something, if Jungkook's got a boyfriend and in a pretty happy relationship, why are you doing this?"

"Because it's healthier for Yoongi if he's not suppressing his feelings. At least this way Jungkook can reject him and Yoongi can move on sooner rather than getting all depressed over his unrequited, hidden feelings." Namjoon walked over to the nearest painting of Jungkook. "I mean, just look at this. Jungkook appears happy and like he normally is, but everything about the painting's just depressed. It's like Hoseok's paintings before he discovered dancing. It's not healthy and, like Hoseok, Yoongi needs to move on."

"Well, hopefully everything works out..." Namjoon nodded.


"McDonalds! Hyung, oh my gosh!" Jungkook exclaimed as he rushed into the room, the familiar smell of fast food filling his nose. He grinned excitedly at Yoongi, who just smiled uncomfortably. The pair sat down at the table, pulling out the burgers and figuring out whose was whose before digging in.

As Jungkook ate quietly, he couldn't think help but think about all the paintings of himself. All of them looked so good, and he couldn't help but think Yoongi had exaggerated his looks a bit. Jungkook figured he was good looking, but he wasn't as good looking as the paintings suggested. He wanted to know why Yoongi had painted him so he was essentially perfection, and that's what he asked.

To which Yoongi responded with a shrug and said, "I just painted what I saw when I look at you."

Jungkook fell quiet again, wondering if there was something wrong with his burger because his stomach was beginning to feel funny.

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