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In an attempt to cure the severe case of boredom Yoongi had, he decided to find out what everything looked like underneath the kotatsu. Jungkook was trying hard to actually do his homework, and didn't notice Yoongi until he felt something lightly run up his bare leg. He squealed, thinking it was a spider, and quickly jumped away from the kotatsu.

And then he heard Yoongi's muffled chuckle come from underneath the kotatsu, he frowned. Slowly, hesitantly, he reached out towards the kotatsu and lifted the blanket to reveal the grinning Yoongi. It took all of him not to kick him in the face as revenge.

"Hey scaredy-cat, come under here." Yoongi said, beckoning Jungkook with his forefinger. Jungkook continued to frown at him. "It's warm."

This encouraged Jungkook to crawl under and he squirmed up next to Yoongi. It was a tight fit and their sock-covered feet poked out of the blanket but they were both able to lie comfortably in there. Jungkook lay with his body facing on way, while Yoongi lay in the opposite direction. Their heads met in the middle, turned so they were able to stare at each.

The warm glow of the heater bathed their skin in a low orange light, illuminating their faces. Underneath the kotatsu, it was like they'd escaped to a whole other world, their little world away from everything. It was quiet, peaceful. And warm.

"My feet are cold." Jungkook said, squirming closer to Yoongi. Their heads almost bumped, which probably would have been painful except Yoongi managed to move away right before they did. "But it's nice in here, I like it."

"Me too." Yoongi smiled at Jungkook, sighing happily as he looked around the small little 'cave'. He then looked at Jungkook, who had his eyes closed and appeared to be sleeping or something. Yoongi stared at him, his smile slowly fading as he once again marvelled at the boy's perfect features. Even his side profile was perfect. Appearance-wise, Yoongi couldn't fault him.

Yoongi then realised what he was thinking, blinked, and quickly looked away. He hoped the heat radiating from the heater and their body heat was a good enough excuse for the redness of his cheeks.

"I swear, he's an angel." Yoongi said as he and Namjoon walked through the art gallery. "I don't think he's from this planet, Namjoon, how could someone like him be from a place like this?"

Namjoon smiled as he listened to Yoongi go on and on. Yoongi had suddenly appeared at the art gallery without any warning, something not unusual except this time he didn't have a painting with him. He hadn't even bothered to dress properly before rushing out of his house, and had arrived shivering in a drenched undershirt and pants because of the rain. All he'd talked about since was Jungkook.

"Have you seen his face, Namjoon? Have you seen it?" Yoongi asked, rushing in front of Namjoon and shaking him. Namjoon chuckled, pushing Yoongi off of him.

"Yes, I have. I've been over to your place multiple times, remember?"

"How can someone be that beautiful? What is this kid doing to me?" Yoongi suddenly began walking again, speeding off on Namjoon with his head in his hands. Namjoon had to rush after him, to make sure he didn't bump into anyone and so he didn't miss anything he said. Yoongi stopped walking as abruptly as he started, sinking down onto his knees, his head still in his hands. Namjoon crouched next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You alright, bud?" He asked, and Yoongi shook his head.

"This kid is going to be the death of me, I swear. I don't even know what's going on."

"You could be in love." Yoongi looked up at Namjoon, looking at him as though he'd just said the craziest thing in the world. He continued to frown at Namjoon, the only movement on his face was when he blinked. "What? It's possible."

"No it's not. I couldn't have fallen in love with Jungkook just like that. This isn't a movie or fairy tale, Namjoon, it's reality." Namjoon shrugged. "Besides, he has a boyfriend."

"What is love, Yoongi?" Yoongi opened his mouth to answer, but Namjoon continued without even letting him. "It might be nothing but a physical response to someone you feel physically attracted to, which could be what you're feeling. You said so yourself, you find him physically attractive. The idea of romantic love stems from Platonic tradition that love is a desire for beauty, Jungkook is beautiful."

"But I don't desire him." Namjoon raised an eyebrow.

"Don't you?" Yoongi fell silent again, allowing Namjoon to continue. "Anyway, love is irrational. And just because he has a boyfriend doesn't mean you can't and won't feel any feelings that are more than just friendly. You may not have consciously decided to fall in love, but that doesn't mean you haven't."

"I didn't fall in love." Yoongi said, stressing each word. He glared up at Namjoon. "There is no love involved in this, it's impossible to fall in love this quickly."

Yoongi then got up and walked off, leaving the art gallery. He didn't care that it was still raining and he was still only wearing a thin undershirt and pants. Namjoon sighed as he watched him go, not even bothering to try and stop him. He wouldn't have been able to even if he tried.

"Was it really that quick?" He muttered to himself, sighing as he stood up. He looked around at the quiet art gallery, before staring up at the painting hanging on the wall next to him. The mysterious boy from Hoseok's paintings smiled back at him, making Namjoon sigh again.

He then turned and left, remembering he had some paintings he needed to hang up. And that he'd probably have to order some pizza soon. That generally cheered Yoongi up.

I'm going to try and focus on the sub-characters and sub-plots more now, just warning you

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