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"Taehyung, have you ever loved someone so much you'd do anything for them, to the point where you'd even give them up for someone else because you knew the other person who make them happier?" Yoongi asked, looking at Taehyung. Taehyung shook his head, which made Yoongi sigh. "Yeah, me neither. Everytime I look at Jungkook, I'm like 'goddamn that kid's perfect', and I just want to kiss those perfect lips of his and do all sorts of things to him."

"I really didn't need to know that last bit." Taehyung said, and Yoongi shrugged and kept going anyway.

"But then I have to stop and remind myself that Jungkook has Seokjin." Yoongi sighed, moving his gaze to the ceiling. "Honestly, I'd steal Jungkook away from Seokjin if I could. But I can't, that's how much a nice person I am. I just want him to be happy, but I want me to be happy too and there just seems to no way that's possible."

"You could always find someone else..." Taehyung suggested.

"Find someone as perfect as Jungkook? Ha! You're dreamin'." The small smile that had appeared on Yoongi's face slowly faded away again, and he sighed again. "No, I think I'll just keep coming to you and Namjoon and complain to you. And eat pizza."


"I think Yoongi hyung's been painting in secret." Jungkook told Seokjin as they walked through the mall. "Because he went out and bought some more paints the other day, and he keeps sneaking out of the house with canvasses. But why wouldn't he tell me or show me if he'd got his inspiration back?"

"Maybe he hasn't, maybe he's just painting..." Seokjin suggested but he was just ignored by Jungkook, who was certain it was because Yoongi was being secretive and hiding something from him. Seokjin then pointed at the clothing store they were walking past. "Is this the one you wanted to go to?"

"Oh yeah, thanks hyung." Jungkook said, and the pair entered the store. They walked around for a bit, looking at clothing and picking the occasional thing out. Jungkook then found a shirt that seemed to catch his attention, and stared at it for a few seconds. He then looked up at Seokjin. "Does this one look good?"

"All of them would look good on you. But yes, I think it's nice." Jungkook smiled and nodded, draping the shirt over his arm.

"The other day, Yoongi hyung and I were watching television and he fell asleep part way through..." Jungkook said as they continued walking. "He looked cute, but then I had to carry him all the way to his bedroom without waking him up. Oh! Yoongi hyung is a really deep sleeper, it's so funny."

"I bet it is..." Seokjin said, trying to still appear interested in the conversation.

"You know, the other day I cleaned up Yoongi hyung's room ― it was really messy so I just cleaned it all up ― and then he made me a cake to say thank you." Jungkook pulled out another shirt. "It was a good cake, not as good as yours though. He also made dinner as well, Yoongi hyung's good at cooking. I like his food."

"Jungkookie, you're making me jealous." Seokjin said, pouting slightly. Jungkook looked up at Seokjin, completely oblivious to why he might be making Seokjin jealous. "All this talk of Yoongi, it almost sounds like you've got a crush."

Jungkook's cheeks turned a light shade of pink and he quickly started shaking his head. "No, no, no, I don't have a crush. I love you, hyung, it's just that I don't have much to talk about except Yoongi hyung. I really do love you more though, hyung." As though to prove this to Seokjin, Jungkook leaned up and kissed Seokjin on the lips. This was their third kiss, Seokjin was counting.

"As much as it's nice to kiss you, Jungkook, I don't think we should be doing it in a store. But don't worry, I believe you." Seokjin smiled at Jungkook, although he wasn't sure if he was even telling the truth.

When Jungkook had decided to move into that house, Seokjin had been worried about all sorts of things; dodgy, lazy people or perverts, bad influences, alcoholics or drug addicts, all of these had been high on Seokjin's list of worries. But not once had he been worried that maybe Jungkook would fall for his housemate. But it seemed like, at the very least, a small crush was beginning to develop.

And it made Seokjin feel insecure and worried. He doubted his ability to keep Jungkook if he decided to leave him for Yoongi. He was worried that, one day, he was going to discover that Jungkook's little crush had developed into more, and then Seokjin would have to let Jungkook go.

He sighed. He'd just have to make the most of his days with Jungkook, just in case they really were numbered.

To be honest, the next couple of chapters' gifs are just me getting carried away while looking at gifs of Jungkook eating.

That way, if there's no food in the chapter (like this one, though cake and pizza was mentioned) the gifs will hopefully do...

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