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"I think this friendship is going to make me fat." Taehyung said as he stared at the slice of pizza in his hand and then the remaining slices in the box. Namjoon made a noise of agreement as he bit into his own slice of pizza. "But like, at least I'll be a happy fat. And you'll be my fat buddy."

"I'm sure we won't get fat."

"We will if we keep eating pizza all the time. Do you even eat fruit and vegies?"

"We won't, because if the pizza starts taking effect we'll start jogging everyday. I'll make you." Namjoon shrugged as he took another bite of his pizza. "It's foolproof."

"Ew, I don't like jogging." Taehyung sighed as he looked at the tv, which was playing the movie they'd both decided on but neither were really paying much attention to ― The Lego Movie. He chuckled at the joke that was made.

"Are you happy?" Namjoon asked when he noticed Taehyung's smile. Taehyung looked back at Namjoon and nodded. "Like, proper happy?"

"I'm happier than what I was before, yes."

"Good... But you don't want to take up singing lessons again?" Taehyung shook his head. "Are you sure? They really don't cost much, and you're good at singing... You could do it for a job, be an idol or something. You'd have fans screaming your name."

"But there'd also be saesangs, bad publicity, rumours... Nah, I'm fine just as I am." Taehyung picked up another slice of pizza. "Because, like, just knowing I'm good at something is good enough for me, you get me? Like, now I know I'm not useless... I got a job too, by the way, so I'll be able to buy the food more often now."

"Really? Where?"

"At this little convenience store. It's nothing big but it's nice just to be doing something again." Namjoon nodded slowly, looking down at the pizza box and taking the smallest of the remaining slices. A piece of his salami clung to the other slice and ended up falling off when he pulled the slice away. He left it there.

"And I can always use an extra hand at the art gallery, and I'll pay you."

"Yeah but you always pay me too much, I don't want you going broke because of me." Taehyung chuckled.

"I pay you what I think you earned." Namjoon shrugged. The pair went silent again and began focusing more on the movie. Namjoon groaned as the song started playing. "I hate this song. It sucks."

"Hey, that's my favourite song your dissing!" Taehyung lightly shoved Namjoon.

"What? It is legitimately one of the worst songs. Some of the lyrics just make no sense ― loss of job is a new opportunity so you have more free time for an awesome community? ― and it gets stuck in your head."

"Well, for starters, if I hadn't lost my job as Hoseok's muse I wouldn't have met you, which was a new opportunity. And most of the pop songs make little sense or have very little deeper meaning and they're all designed to get stuck in your head. So I think this is one of the better ones; at least it's not about break ups or girls or whatever. It's just stating facts."

"A piece of string, allergies and dogs with fleas are awesome, and those are facts?" Taehyung shrugged.

"What if your shoelace breaks and you need to replace them, then a shoelace'll be awesome. You want to get out of something and you have really bad allergies as an excuse ― awesome. Dogs with fleas... Yeah I've got nothing."

"You know they don't say anything like that in the song, they just say they're awesome."

"But they don't not say it."

"How about we just agree to disagree?" Taehyung nodded and the conversation ended. "But I'll give it one thing..."


"Right now, everything is pretty awesome."

story time: when I went to King Island for school camp type thingy, we could bring some CDs and one of the ones my family sent me had Everything Is Awesome on it and this other guy and I were the only two people on that term's trip who liked it. So one day I gave the CD to him to basically ambush his house and play it for them; I never saw that CD again (which was sad because it had all my kpop on it).

From what I heard, they got a couple of seconds into the song, realised what it was and one of the other boys in the house went over to the CD player, took the CD out and threw it out the window and it broke or got scratched.

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