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"Yoongi hyung, you need to wake up, now!" Jungkook yelled as he ran into the room and woke up Yoongi up the only way he knew how. He took a running jump and landed on Yoongi, the impact waking the sleeping man. Yoongi groaned at the mild pain he was experiencing. "Hyung, it's a miracle."

"What is it?" Yoongi muttered as he struggled to open his eyes, looking at the too cheerful Jungkook. Jungkook smiled at him, still lying on top of him.

"It's sunny. The weather is actually nice." After all the miserable weather they'd been having, this could almost actually be considered a miracle. It was miraculous enough that Yoongi slowly sat up in his bed. Jungkook rolled over so that Yoongi could sit up properly. "We should do something."

"We should." Yoongi agreed, but he was pretty sure he was only agreeing because it was something Jungkook wanted to do.

"We should get ice-cream, while it's sunny." Jungkook mused.

"We should." Jungkook's head snapped towards Yoongi's direction.

"Good idea, hyung," He said, even though it had been entirely Jungkook's idea. Yoongi wasn't even sure what he'd agreed to, he'd just been saying 'good idea'. "I know this good ice-creamery. We should go."

"O-Okay... Just let me get dressed, then we can go."

"I feel like an ice-cream says something about a person." Jungkook said as he licked his cookies and cream ice-cream, looking at Yoongi. Yoongi refused to look at Jungkook lap up the creamery white substance that was dripping down the cone, it was putting ideas in his head.

"How?" He asked as he licked his own ice-cream, a vanilla one.

"Well, boring people choose boring flavours. Like vanilla." Yoongi looked at Jungkook, who was thankfully not licking his ice-cream, and frowned at him. Jungkook just grinned cheekily.

"Vanilla is a perfectly fine flavour. I think that its ability to be so plain and still taste good is a pretty good achievement, unlike your try hard flavour. What does that say about you, huh?" Jungkook's smile dropped as he shoved Yoongi with his shoulder.

"I'm not a try hard, and cookies and cream is amazing."

"And anyway, by your logic, if I got a sundae that had amaretto, dulce de leche, chocolate, banana, pina colada, pomme verte..." Yoongi continued to list off a whole bunch of random ice-creams, until he eventually stopped with a big sigh, "I'd be the most exciting person in the world."

"No, then you'd just be weird." Jungkook responded, licking his ice-cream. "I'd be impressed that you just managed to list all those ice-cream flavours, but I watched you read that list."

"Whatever, vanilla is still the best flavour."

"Cookies and cream is better."

"No it's not! Come on, try it." Yoongi attempted to shove his vanilla ice-cream in Jungkook's face. "See for yourself, vanilla is the best flavour."

"It is not." Jungkook said, but still ate some of Yoongi's ice-cream anyway. He was silent for a few seconds before he shrugged. "It's not too bad, but cookies and cream is still better." He then held out his ice-cream for Yoongi to try.

Yoongi licked some of Jungkook's ice-cream, consciously aware of how this was essentially almost a second-hand kiss. "How about we just agree to disagree."

The pair went to shake hands, but ended up mooshing their ice-creams together. This caused them both to laugh at their stupidness and realisation that their argument didn't even matter now because now they had a mixture of both ice-creams.

Jungkook's laughter disappeared when he looked outside the ice-creamery, sighing sadly as he stared at the rain that had started as they laughed.

"Aw, man, what happened to the nice weather?" He whined.

I really want honey Cheerios, and I'm not sure why...
I think I saw the word 'honey' somewhere...

Because I'm bored and now mildly curious: what's your guys' favourite ice-cream flavour? If you even have one.

And are you ready for stage 2 of the Yoonkook? (Even though only one person, excluding me, knows what it is)

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