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Although I've liked every gif in the media, out of the food + Jungkook ones, I think I like this best... (and thirty + twenty-six)

There was a loud crash of thunder that caused Jungkook to jump. He was hidden under his doona, his face illuminated by the glowing screen of his phone as he scrolled down his contacts. He hit Seokjin's one, watching as it began calling before bringing his phone up to his ear. He waited for Jungkook to pick up.

"Hi, you've called the number of Kim Seokjin, I can't answ―" Jungkook sighed and hung up. He then dialled the same number again. An even louder crash of thunder made Jungkook yelp quietly and jump further under his blankets. The phone dialled, and Jungkook found himself listening to Seokjin's answering machine again.

Jungkook gave up trying to call Seokjin after the fifth attempt, his hand quickly poking out of the doona to put the phone on his bedside table before disappearing back under the thick blanket. He sat there, anticipating the next loud rumble. By the time it came, he'd worked himself up into such a state that he nearly screamed. He scrunched his eyes shut, bringing his hands over his head as he trembled. Jungkook really wasn't good in a thunder storm.

Usually he had Seokjin to call, who would talk to him until he fell asleep or the storm finished, but for whatever reason Seokjin wasn't picking up. And Jungkook didn't want to go to Yoongi, he didn't want Yoongi to laugh at his childish fear. And he didn't want to bother him with something like that. He'd just wait out the storm, hidden under his doona.

But after a few more minutes of sitting there (it felt longer to Jungkook), Jungkook realised he wasn't going to be able to survive like this and sucked up his pride. He took a hesitant step out of the bed, keeping his blanket wrapped around him as he crept out of the bedroom. He took a few small, slow steps as he tried to find the courage, before a loud crack of thunder encouraged him to run all the way to Yoongi's bedroom.

Yoongi was lying in bed, reading a book under the lamp next to his bed. He looked up when Jungkook slowly opened the door, staring at the boy as he stood at the door with his blanket wrapped around him. Yoongi could barely see any of him underneath the blanket. He put his bookmark in the book and put it on the desk.

"What's the matter?" He asked, although his question was answered as right after he spoke there was another loud thunder. Jungkook squealed, jumping in fright. He then buried himself further inside the blanket, mostly to hide his embarrassment. "Are you afraid of thunder?" The doona moved in an affirmative way. "Do you want to stay in here until it ends?" The doona moved again. Yoongi then moved over so there was room for two on the small bed, and Jungkook rushed over. He practically dived for the spot next to Yoongi.

"I'm sorry, hyung." Jungkook said as he lied down next to Yoongi, looking up at him from his doona cocoon.

"It's fine. Just take your doona off, it's too hot for that. You can just use mine, plus the body heat, to keep you warm." Jungkook nodded and wriggled out of the blanket. He then hopped underneath Yoongi's, continuing to look up at Yoongi. "What were you reading?"

"Much Ado About Nothing." Jungkook was silent, because he wasn't quite sure if he should have heard of it before. Before he could put too much thought into it, there was another crack of thunder and Jungkook jumped closer to where Yoongi was sitting. He lay there, and Yoongi sighed.

"Can you read to me?" Jungkook asked. Yoongi nodded and picked up his book again. He got comfortable and, when Jungkook jumped again, wrapped his arm around Jungkook, pulling him close. He opened to the page he was up to, figuring Jungkook probably wouldn't mind if he started part way through. He then cleared his throat, and began to read.

"They say the lady is fair. 'Tis a truth, I can bear them witness." Yoongi started, reading from the line he'd been up to. "And virtuous-'tis so, I cannot reprove it." Jungkook yawned, feeling himself be lulled to sleep by Yoongi's voice and words he couldn't even understand. "And wise, but for loving me. By my troth, it is no addition to her wit-nor no great argument of her folly, for I will be horribly in love with her..."

Yoongi glanced down at Jungkook when he started snoring softly, figuring the boy had been tired when he'd eventually come to him. He sighed, pulling the blanket up higher so it covered Jungkook properly, and put his book back on the desk. He reached across and turned his lamp off, lying down with his back facing Jungkook.

That night, Yoongi found it hard to fall asleep, and it wasn't because of the thunderstorm occurring outside.

I like P!ATD and all, but there's just something disconcerting about listening to an alien eat Brendon...
Just a random little thing you didn't need to know

 Just a random little thing you didn't need to know

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