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Namjoon stared at the painting, his eyes widening as he realised who it was of. He looked back up at Yoongi, who was staring at his feet. He then looked back at the painting.

"It's.." He went to say, before Yoongi looked up and cut him off.

"Horrible, I know. I don't even know why I painted it." Yoongi's cheeks were a bright red, embarrassed to have painted something of Jungkook. Jungkook didn't even know. Yoongi had disappeared into his bedroom while Jungkook did his homework, painting it completely by memory. He wasn't sure what was more embarrassing: the fact he'd painted Jungkook, or the fact he had somehow memorised Jungkook's features. "Can you just throw it out, I don't really want to take it back where Jungkook could find it."

"I was going to say it's amazing, better than all your other ones." Namjoon said when Yoongi had finished. "But I'll put it in storage for now, in case you paint an even better on."

"There won't be, I still don't have any passion. That one's not even good." Namjoon continued to stare at the painting, biting his lip to prevent him from saying anything. "I don't know, I'll go home and paint a giraffe or something... A tall giraffe, with black hair... God damn, why is he so tall?"

"Did you like the pizza?" Namjoon asked, trying to distract Yoongi.

"What? Oh yeah, Jungkook and I ate it while watching tv." Yoongi shrugged. "Speaking of Jungkook, I should be heading back, he might destroy the house if I leave him there for too long."

"Right.. have fun." Namjoon said, and Yoongi just nodded as he walked away. Namjoon stared at the painting again and walked off to the storage room. In there, he was reminded there were a few paintings he still needed to put up. He sighed as he stared at the closest one, picking it up.

"Why are you so sad?" He muttered as he stared at the sad boy reading a book in the painting. Namjoon wish he knew who the boy was, so he could buy him some pizza or something. Anything that made him happy. He desperately wanted to get rid of the sad expression that was growing more frequent in Hoseok's paintings. He wasn't sure if it was a reflection of Hoseok's emotions, or the boy's, but either way it worried him. He didn't like seeing his friends - or strangers he couldn't deny having feelings for -sad.

As Namjoon replaced one of the old paintings that had been up for a while, he stared at the boy in the painting. He compared the two paintings, both of the same muse. In the older one, the boy was cheerful, smiling happily at something out of the frame. The painting made Namjoon happy, the smile infectious despite only being painted. He could only imagine what the boy would be like in real life. But then, in the newer painting, the boy was sad. It was all a lot darker, gloomier, and Namjoon wonder what had caused the change.

Taehyung stared out the window of the small apartment, the miserable weather reflecting his mood. Water dripped down the glass, distorting the world outside. He sighed. The television was the only thing making sound in the almost empty apartment, droning on about some infomercial. He glanced at it, sighing again at the too cheerful people trying to convince the viewers to buy their product.

"Call now and we'll give you a special offer" The screen flicked black as Taehyung hit the off button. The black screen reflected the living room, and Taehyung. He stared at his reflection for a few seconds before returning to his seat by the window. He turned his laptop on and resumed his job searching, though none of the jobs appealed to him at all. He hated it, hated everything.

No matter what Taehyung did, nothing would motivate him to do anything. Life was boring, and he hated it. He had no talents, like Hoseok, he wasn't a natural at anything, anything he tried to work hard at just failed and demotivated him further... It just wasn't working out for him. And now Hoseok was in the house less and less, and while Taehyung was grateful it meant his friend was smiling more and more, he couldn't help but notice the loneliness he felt.

"I'll go out tomorrow." He told himself. "I'll go out tomorrow, and see if there's something out there for me to do. Something to inspire me."

But tomorrow came around, and Taehyung couldn't even work up the motivation to get out of bed. He sighed as he lay in his bed, staring at the sky through his window, hating himself but not knowing what to do about it.

MUSE, yoonkookWhere stories live. Discover now