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Namjoon and Taehyung worked in comfortable silence, focussing on preparing the art gallery for the mystery exhibition Namjoon had been advertising for the past couple of days. They'd already gotten a few definite yes's to going - Yoongi, Jungkook, Seokjin, Hoseok and Jimin - a couple of maybes and zero no's, so they had to make it at least semi-decent.

But because it was Namjoon and Taehyung on the job, it was going to be more than semi-decent.

"Do you want me to go get some drinks?" Namjoon asked after he put a painting up, looking at Taehyung. Taehyung nodded and smiled, his smiles had been getting more frequent and bigger these days. It made Namjoon happy. He smiled back and went to go get them some drinks, while Taehyung continued on working.

When Namjoon returned, Taehyung was singing quietly to himself. Namjoon paused, listening to Taehyung's voice. He'd never heard Taehyung sing before and, therefore, never heard how good it was. He just wanted to keep listening to the quiet little voice sing a pop song he didn't know.

Taehyung jumped when Namjoon approached him, laughing embarrassedly as he accepted the drink.

"Your voice..." Namjoon said as they both drank, rehydrating after all the hard work they'd been doing. "It's so good."

"Ah, that's not that good..."

"You're being modest, if I didn't know you I would have thought you were a professional singer." Taehyung stared at the ground, continuing to chuckle slightly. His cheeks were turning a light shade of pink, people rarely complimented him and he wasn't quiet sure how to deal with it. "Have you ever considered it, taking your singing to a professional level?"

Taehyung shook his head. "I haven't had lessons, nothing like that, I'm not at a professional level. I couldn't." He sighed, taking a drink. "Singing is just an entertaining little thing I do when I'm alone."

"Okay... I think you'd be good anyway." Namjoon shrugged. "But whatever, it's your life."


Jimin and Hoseok ran out of the cold, laughing quietly together as they entered the art gallery. They held on to each other, breathless and red faced after having run all the way from the bus stop in the rain, in the dark. Jimin wiped his hand across Hoseok's jacket, wiping away the water collecting on it. They then smiled at each other, while Namjoon slowly approached them. Jimin quickly kissed Hoseok's cheek and then pretended nothing had happened while he looked at Namjoon.

"Hey guys, I'm glad you could make it." Namjoon said, smiling at the couple. He thought they were cute, although he couldn't help but feel slightly lonely and jealous when he looked at them. "If you're hungry or thirsty, there's a little section set up. And Taehyung's also walking around with some things. Otherwise, enjoy..."

The couple nodded. They smiled at Namjoon and walked past him, holding each other's gloved hand. Namjoon smiled as he continued to watch them.

Seokjin arrived next, looking like Rudolph with his cold, pink nose. He smiled at Namjoon as he took his rain jacket off, shivering in the warmth.

"Hi." Seokjin said. "Jeez, it's cold out there."

"Well, I'm grateful I'm inside then." Namjoon chuckled. "There's snacks somewhere, and Taehyung's also got food, if you get hungry."

"Got it, thanks." Seokjin smiled and walked past Namjoon, going to go look at the super secret and super exciting exhibition.

After a few more people Namjoon didn't really know arrived, Yoongi and Jungkook walked through the doors, bickering quietly. Jungkook was bundled up in jumpers and scarves and gloves, and didn't seem very happy about it. He frowned at Yoongi, although the frown disappeared when he saw Namjoon.

"Hyung! I've been waiting all day to see this!" He exclaimed as he rushed over to Namjoon. Yoongi walked less enthusiastically behind.

"He has, all day I've had to listen to him." Namjoon smiled and explained the snack situation to them. Afterwards they both walked through and saw the first of many paintings.

More specifically, Yoongi's paintings. Of Jungkook.

And as Yoongi stood there, staring at all the paintings he'd hidden from Jungkook, while Jungkook also looked, he said the only two words that accurately represented how he was feeling:

"Oh shit."


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