
9K 802 162

note: I totally forgot to say this last chapter, but thanks for all the views, votes and comments this story has received. It kind of snuck up on me, I didn't even realise how many it had until a couple of days ago when I was looking at the covers... Thank you guys a lot (and to thank you I'll give you this sucky chapter).

Plus, holy moly this story's almost at forty chapters...

Jungkook snored softly as he lay underneath the kotatsu. Yoongi watched him, as creepy as he sounded (he felt that creepy too). He reached out slowly and touched Jungkook's cheek lightly, trying not to wake the boy. Jungkook's eyelids fluttered but other than that he didn't stir.

It was four days since their first date and even though Jungkook really should have been focusing on his studies given he had exams coming up, he kept bugging Yoongi to go on another one. Yoongi was hesitant, worried he was simply a rebound and a way for Jungkook to get over Seokjin. He didn't want to commit to something that could possibly just be a temporary thing, it'd probably end up hurting him more than just watching Jungkook date other people.

But Jungkook had a way with words and eventually Yoongi had sighed and given in. He'd told Jungkook that if he could do decently in his exams, Yoongi would take him out on a big date that would be better than going to McDonalds. Although Jungkook had told him he doubted that was possible, he accepted this deal and organised some study sessions every afternoon with Namjoon.

Then he'd fallen asleep under the kotatsu, not even making it to dinner time. Yoongi sighed as he continued to watch him, before getting up and turning the kotatsu off. He pulled it off Jungkook with a little bit of difficulty and carefully lifted the sleeping boy up. Jungkook groaned but again thankfully didn't wake up. Yoongi carried Jungkook to his bedroom and placed him down on the bed, tucking him in. Yoongi stared at him for a few more seconds.

"You're lucky you're cute, or I wouldn't put up with all this." He said quietly.

"I know." Jungkook said back, a small smile on his lips. Realising he'd been awake the whole time, Yoongi frowned at Jungkook.

"You little―"

"No swearing, hyung, I'm just a little fetus, remember?" Jungkook opened his eyes to look up at Yoongi, who huffed.

At the end of the date, Jungkook had tried and failed to kiss Yoongi. Yoongi had used the excuse that Jungkook was just a fetus and it wouldn't feel right, but now it seemed to be biting him back in the butt.

"―poo." Jungkook chuckled as he closed his eyes again.

"I need to sleep, hyung. You can stay and watch if you want, but you'll have to get in the bed. Or you can go out." Yoongi went to leave the bedroom. "Or you can just sleep in my bed, it'll be warmer. Body heat and stuff."

"I have more blankets."

"We can go to your bed then." Yoongi glanced over his shoulder at Jungkook and frowned.

"Stop trying to get me in the bed with you, it's not happening, Jeon." Jungkook opened his eyes again and he pouted.

"Hyung," he whined, "don't call me Jeon. And it's not like I'm going to do anything. I'm too tired."

"Sure. Just go to sleep, Jungkook, I'll see you in the morning." Jungkook huffed again and made a big show of rolling on to his side. Yoongi closed the door and left, heading to his own bedroom. He yawned as he walked to his bed, slowly undressing with each step. By the time he'd reached the bed, he was only wearing his boxers and there was a trail of clothing leading to the bed.

He got settled in the bed and just as he was falling asleep, he felt someone climb in the bed next to him. Rather than wake himself back up and get Jungkook out of the bed (he'd probably come back in later anyway) Yoongi just let Jungkook snuggle up against him and continued sleeping. He felt Jungkook lift his arm and move even closer against him, and Yoongi ended up hugging Jungkook as his arm was dropped back down.

"Your stomach is really flat, do you even lift?" Jungkook asked quietly.

"Jungkook, you know my nonexistent exercise routine and it's lack of lifting. Now let me sleep or I'll kick you out." Jungkook didn't say anything else and as Yoongi fell asleep, he couldn't help but notice how nice it felt to have someone sleeping next to him.

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