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note: one of the first moments that caused Yoonkook to become my OTP a couple of years ago... But anyway, I would just like to point out that there has been a time skip here.

Jungkook squealed as Yoongi picked him up and placed him on the kitchen bench. Jungkook placed his hands on Yoongi's shoulders to stabilise himself, wondering why Yoongi had done that. Yoongi reached up, plucking one of Jungkook's hands from his shoulder and kissing its palm. He then sighed, the exhalation sending warm air on to Jungkook's palm. He let go of Jungkook's hand.

"Jungkook, I, uh," Yoongi huffed as he ran his fingers through his hair, fidgeting nervously as he looked at everything but Jungkook. He licked his lips, clenching his eyes shut as he shook his hands at his side. "I- I, love you, right?"

"Yeah? I think so..." Jungkook laughed, feeling kind of confused and nervous about Yoongi's unusual behaviour. He really hoped Yoongi wasn't about to break up with him 'because he loved him' or something. "I love you too." Yoongi shook his head.

"No, I mean you understand that I love you? More than anything on this planet?" Jungkook nodded slowly. He hadn't quite realised Yoongi loved him more than anything on the planet, but Yoongi had told him multiple times that he loved him. "And I, I mean I assume you love me too."

"More than anything in the universe." Yoongi smiled, his lips curving into an awkward smile. He still looked nervous, his cheeks beginning to turn red.

"Good, good." Yoongi then muttered something under his breath that sounded like 'oh god, why am I doing this?' and he wiped his hands down the sides of his body, presumably drying them. "Well, I could completely regret doing this but I know we're still young and we've only really properly been together for a over a year and all that but I couldn't imagine myself living with anyone but you-"

"Oh my god, hyung." Jungkook whispered when Yoongi lifted his hands again. There was now a little red box that Jungkook had seen enough times on movies to be able to recognise. He brought his own hands up to his face, covering his mouth and nose as he eyes began to water up.

"I-I, Jungkook, I love you and I'll love you forever and I was just wondering if you'd consider being my husband- oh my god, I'm so awkward, I'm so sorry." Yoongi opened the lid of the box, which made Jungkook laugh. Instead of a normal ring sitting there, a lolly ring was there. It explained the abnormally bigger size of the box, and amused Jungkook. "There- There's actually a proper ring, but I thought this could ease the tension if you said... Well you can eat it, which is always a bonus."

"Hyung, I love you." Jungkook jumped down from the bench, wrapping his arms around Yoongi as he kissed him. The box and ring was knocked from Yoongi's shaky grip and clattered to the floor. Still holding onto Yoongi, Jungkook laughed as he looked down at the lolly ring. It was scattered across the tiles, having broken upon impact.

"I'll buy you a new one." Yoongi said before kissing Jungkook again. "If you want the real one. I mean, all you've said is that you love me, which is reassuring but- do you want the real one?" Jungkook nodding, biting his bottom lip as he watched Yoongi fish around his pockets. He pulled out a thin silver band, and Jungkook held out his hand so Yoongi could put it on his ring finger. He laughed, a small teary sound that bubbled up inside of him as the emotions filled him. Even Yoongi was blinking back tears, but that was mostly from relief. He'd legitimately thought Jungkook would say no.

"Jungkook, never leave me. If you leave me I'll sink back into my original state and I'll lose my muse and the guy I'm almost certain is the love of my life so..." Yoongi muttered quietly, kissing Jungkook. Jungkook kept his forehead resting against Yoongi's as they stood there, shaking his head lightly. "Please don't ever leave me."

"Never ever."


"Sorry." Yoongi mumbled as he stepped on the tip of Jungkook's toe as they danced. Jungkook laughed. "Sorry." Yoongi kept his gaze at his feet, concentrating so hard on not stuffing this up for Jungkook. "Sorry."

"Hyung," Yoongi looked up at Jungkook, his nerves evident on his face. Despite being a usually confident man, all of this confidence just seemed to have left him on his wedding day. He'd fretted all morning, worried it wouldn't be perfect for his Jungkookie. Then he was worried Jungkook might not show, but then he did, looking more perfect than normal - if that was even possible. "Just relax. It's just like we practised, remember? Just focus on me, come on. Follow my lead - one, two, three..."

Slowly, Jungkook assumed the male position in the dance, leading Yoongi across the dance floor. Yoongi slowly stopped stepping on Jungkook's feet and a smile began to appear on his lips.

Seokjin sniffed, trying to cover up his tears. He turned away, dabbing at the underneath of his eye. Jungkook looked so nice and handsome and grown up in his white suit, and Yoongi looked as equally handsome in his own not-quite-black suit. But Seokjin's heart didn't wrench when he looked at Yoongi. He looked up and saw Jimin watching him, and laughed sadly.

"I told myself I wouldn't cry, but look at me... I'm such a- such a wreck." Jimin smiled sadly, shaking his head.

"You can't be worse than Mrs Jeon. Look at her." Seokjin looked across the dance floor, where Mrs Jeon was wailing as she watched her son and his new husband dance their first dance. "You're not an emotional wreck, you're just happy."

"Then why do I feel so sad?" Seokjin hiccuped, wiping his eyes again. Jimin smiled, placing a hand on Seokjin's shoulder.

"It's a happy kind of sad. Don't worry, I'm feeling it too." Jimin shrugged. "Jungkook's all grown up now, and Yoongi's possibly moving on - so's Jungkook - it's understandable to be a little sad. Everyone's sad at weddings, but there's cake so we'll be happy soon."

"And pizza. Yoongi made sure there was pizza." Namjoon said as he appeared behind the pair. "He said it couldn't be a wedding without one."

"Of course..."

"Come on, Jungkookie, throw it properly." Yoongi said as Jungkook prepared to throw the bouquet he'd been given. He'd refused to have one during the actual ceremony, and a dress despite Yoongi's whining, but he gave in when everyone started pressuring him. He frowned at Yoongi, rolling his eyes before swinging his arms back and releasing the bouquet.

It flew across the air and everyone pushed and shouted as they reached for it. The few ladies that attended it found themselves pushed out of the way as most of the men tried to grab it. The bouquet fell down and a hand grabbed it.

Taehyung smiled triumphantly, holding the flowers above his head. He turned to Namjoon, pulling him closer with his free hand and kissed him. Namjoon's eyes widened, not expecting this, before he relaxed and kissed back. There was a loud chorus of 'aww's before Taehyung pulled away and smiled at Namjoon.

"Guess we better keep these suits." Yoongi said as he watched the pair. Jungkook smiled at him, leaning against him as Yoongi wrapped his arm around his waist.

"We were going to keep them anyway, silly. But yeah, I think we should keep them."


note: there was supposed to be Jihope fluff in here but that obviously didn't happen...

Okay, firstly, thank you all for reading this story and hopefully it didn't suck too much...

Secondly, this isn't actually the end. There's one or two more bonus chapters + what will probably be my first and last character q+a thing (so be prepared for that).

And just like the start, I'm mildly nervous about hitting that publish button... Oh well

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